Do not use only for beta testing developers
Uploading the controller firmware is done in two steps, we need to upload the micrcontroller code followed by the files used for the web side of things
********************************************************************** Step:1 Install Arduino *************************************************************************************** -Download arduino IDE [or check that you have version 1.8.4 or later]
********************************************************************** Step:2 Install ESP8266 Addon ********************************************************************************* -Install the dependancies for ESP8266, guide can be found here:
Start Arduino and open Preferences window.
Enter into Additional Board Manager URLs field. You can add multiple URLs, separating them with commas.
Open Boards Manager from Tools > Board menu and install "esp8266" platform
********************************************************************** Step:3 Install Esp8266 Spiffs Addon ************************************************************************** -
Once that is done restart the arduino IDE, and the spiffs data upload option should be under tools tab
********************************************************************** Step:4 Uploading Spiffs Image ************************************************************************** -Extract main file and navigate to any .ino file, clicking will open in arduino IDE [Multiple tabs should be shown] -save-as arduino sketch somewhere that you wont deleet it by accident -In arduino IDE Tools>Board>NodeMCU1.0 Tools>Port --Select the most likley port your nodemcu is on -In arduino IDE Click compile, if you get a library error: -
**********************************************************************Uploading Arduino Code ************************************************************************** - -Updating the IOT Side: -In arduino IDE: Tools>Sketch DataUpload [If this option isnt shown go back to step 2-3] -updload takes around 120 seconds [Note you cant have serial open]
**********************************************************************Checking Upload was sucessful ************************************************************************** -In Arduino IDE: Open Serial monitor Baud rate:115200 and click reset button on the NodeMCU -You should see some data [loading of eeprom, iot etc]
-if all that looks good, unplug the usb, plug it into the mains power. Wait 60 seconds and press the controller button. It should actuate ?
**********************************************************************Using Controller ************************************************************************** To Use: -Power On Controller -On mobile/pc search for new controller Wifi hotspot and connect -Open Chrome/similar and in the adress bar type
If controller misbehaves or lost wifi password: Power on the unit, as soon as the blue LED lights hold the controller button for 60 seconds -- this will set the controller back to new