See the DOCS PAGE.
System | Badge |
OSX/Linux build - Travis | |
Windows build - AppVeyor | |
Test coverage | |
Downloads |
Based on
- juan-medina's this post and this repo about travis, appveyor, cmake and catch
- david-grs' this post and this repo about travis, cmake, gtest, codecov and appveyor
- vidavidorra's this gist about doxygen, travis and github
entries in
are added automatically by calling in console for examplegit submodule add ./thirdParty/googletest
to generate documentation we need to tell doxygen what dirs it should use as input (
in Doxyfile). As in this Doxyfile I assigned it to env variable (INPUT = $(INPUT_FOR_DOXY)
), we have to define the variable. This is done in.travis.yml
, but if you want to do it locally type in console:export INPUT_FOR_DOXY=". ./app ./lib ./tests" # to define the env variable doxygen Doxyfile # to run doxygen
to generate coverage locally:
cmake . -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage"
lcov --no-external --capture --directory . --output-file
lcov --remove 'thirParty/*' 'tests/*' -o
- to generate coverage html report
genhtml --output-directory out
to delpoy:
git commit -m 'my message' git tag v0.1 git push origin v0.1
to delete tag:
git push --delete origin v0.1 git tag --delete v0.1
tokens for deployment. Go to
github/Settings/Developer settings/Personal access tokens
. Generate a new one. To use in travis you have to have travis installed on your local system and encypt the token. To use in appveyor go to their website and encrypt the token. -
Slack notifications:
- appveyor - add from repo setting at their webpage using this token:
- travis - install travis integration in slack