A build of Meridian's substrate
branch with an updated bootstrap. Attempt at your own risk.
- Uses Cydia Substrate instead of Substitute for tweak injection and compatibility
- Installs Zebra v1.1.36 instead of Cydia on initial installation
For sideloading instructions, go here: https://github.com/LukeZGD/Legacy-iOS-Kit/wiki/Jailbreaking#sideload-method
For the web version (TNS), go here: https://lukezgd.github.io/MeridianFix
Note: The web app might not work for iOS versions below 10.3.x. It is recommended to use the app instead for iOS 10.0-10.2.1
Note 2: Because MeridianFix still uses v0rtex exploit, jailbreaking is going to take a lot of tries. This is because the success rate of v0rtex is really bad.
For previously jailbroken devices, read the README
Changes in this version:
- Updated to have latest Zebra v1.1.36
- Updated Meridian system-base to fix the issue where coreutils-bin and system-cmds need to be reinstalled
- Removed "already jailbroken" check
- EDIT 2024-12-08: Updated MeridianFix IPA to add the ModMyi repo back