This is a solution to the Calculator app challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.
Users are able to:
- See the size of the elements adjust based on their device's screen size
- Perform mathmatical operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
- Adjust the color theme based on their preference
- Bonus: Continue calculating where they left off, even if the tab is already closed but the browser window is still open
- Bonus: Always start with their favorite theme, because it will be saved even if the entire browser window is closed
- Solution URL:
- Semantic HTML5 markup
- SCSS for clean, easy and less CSS
- custom HTML data attribute in combination with SCSS mixin and maps to handle the three different themes
- Flexbox
- CSS Grid
- JavaScript: localStorage and sessionStorage to store the current calculation result and the current theme
In this project I learned how to use HTML, SCSS and JavaScript to add different color themes to the website.
First, you should set a data-theme attribute in HTML for the body element with the name of the default theme. This is how I did it:
<body data-theme="theme-1">
Then in JavaScript, for example when you click on a button or toggle button, you can set this data-theme attribute according to the name of the chosen theme:
document.body.dataset.theme = 'theme-2';
Then in SCSS it is best to create one or more files with the themes and their respective style rules. One file could look like this:
$theme1: (
'clr_example': #3a4764,
'fs_example': 24px
$theme2: (
'clr_example': #3a4764,
'fs_example': 24px
$theme3: (
'clr_example': #3a4764,
'fs_example': 24px
You can then access them from another SCSS file after importing them there with
@use './themes';
With the help of a mixin and the map function, the previously defined variables can now be inserted according to the currently selected theme via the data-theme attribute of the body element:
@use 'sass:map';
@mixin theme($name, $map) {
body[data-theme=#{$name}] {
background-color: map.get($map, 'clr_example');
.text {
font-size: map.get($map, 'fs_example');
Now you only have to include the mixin for each theme:
@include theme('theme-1', themes.$theme1);
@include theme('theme-2', themes.$theme2);
@include theme('theme-3', themes.$theme3);
- Theming with Sass: An SCSS Tutorial - This helped me to understand how to implement different color themes (or other themes in the future) in scss
- Frontend Mentor - @LuckyChimp