A giter8 template for java gradle dropwizard applications.
- findbugs
- cobertura
- checkstyle
- integration-test source set
- acceptance-test source set with cucumber
- fatJar support
##Usage Install giter8, then:
g8 esailors/dropwizard-template
cd into your new project dir
chmod +x gradlew
./gradlew build
java -jar build/libs/your-project-version-farJar.jar db migrate example.yml
(there seems to be some bug, so you need to run it twice until the db changes are applied!?)
##Gradle Options ###Dropwizard App
Build and start application:
./gradlew run
###BDD with cucumber Add features and sources to src/acceptance-test/... Then run
./gradle acceptanceTest
A dummy test is already there. ###Integration tests Add junit tests to src/integration-test/java Then run
./gradlew build -PuseIntegrationTest=true
###Cobertura ./gradlew build -PuseCodeCoverage=true ###FindBugs ./gradlew build -PuseFindbugs=true ###FatJar ./gradlew fatJar
You can also combine these switches.