Make sure that your ssh key is added to your github account.
If this is not the case follow these instructions:
Afterwards execute:
$ git clone --recurse-submodules -j8 [email protected]:Luis-Hebendanz/tagify.git
Files in .gitignore are being ignored globally (for everyone!) by git. If you want to exclude files locally add them to .git/info/exclude
Setup docker
Install docker-compose:
Install rust and cargo with your package manager.
$ apt install rustc cargo
$ cargo install systemfd
$ cargo install cargo-watch
Make sure that the path ~/.cargo/bin
is discoverable
through the $PATH
Then execute:
$ npm run serve-backend
The website should now be browsable on
Also very useful is the command:
$ npm run clean-backend
This clears the build directory and the postgres database
Read more information about hot reload
To be able to serve a webpage follow the development setup for the frontend
Having a working language server is extremly recommended for Rust! Install rustup from here: Then execute:
$ rustup default stable
$ rustup component add rls rust-analysis rust-src
Then cd
to the directory where your Cargo.toml
is located
and start your editor.
To get the documentation of all your dependencies execute:
$ cargo doc
To get the documentation of one specific dependencie execute:
$ cargo doc --open --package <package-name>
Read the rust book at least to chapter 10!
Install the package manager npm:
$ apt install nodejs
Install js frontend dependencies with npm from package.json:
$ cd PPSky/Abgabe1
$ npm install
IMPORTANT: The next command is only useful if the feature you are building does not require transactions with the backend. Run:
$ npm run serve-frontend
and you have to specify the file after the base url.
Example: http://localhost:1234/login.html
If you need to do transactions with the backend then follow the development setup for the backend
Afterwards execute:
$ npm run watch
$ npm run backend-serve
To build for production execute:
$ npm run clean-frontend
$ npm run build-frontend
You can find the build files under app/dist
Main Concepts:
Weil Objekte / Klassen ungeil sind das Kapitel zu hooks:
Typescript ist ein Superset von Javascript nur Typed d.h. mit Typen (wie a:string oder a:number) was
wichtig ist damit Fehler schon beim Kompilieren auffallen und nicht erst
wenn das Programm läuft.
Für Typescript braucht man kein wirkliches Tutorial ausser die Do's and Don'ts:
Ich empfehle sehr einen Editor zu benutzen der Language Server Support bietet.
Ein Beispiel wäre Visual Studio Code oder vim mit dem ALE Plugin.
- Scope: Tagging pictures with rectangles
- DevOps: Luis Hebendanz / Qubasa
- Scrum Master: Trilloyd / Jacob Bachmann
- Product Owner: Lorak / Karol Rogoza
- trilloyd / Jacob Bachmann
- Gandalfibialy / Jacek Kmiecik
- dancingsushii / Tetiana Yakovenko
- witja46 / Witold Jermakowicz
- Qubasa / Luis Hebendanz
- Marii19 / Mariusz Trzeciakiewicz
- rz / Que Le
- Lorak / Karol Rogoza
4.6.2020: Sprint Planing
8.6.2020: First Sprint
Backend Repo:
Frontend Repo: