Ever wonder how much you spend on Hummus? I did. So I build this library.
pyNetto is a small script that reads your Netto reciptes directly from your email and turns them into a Pandas Dataframe for further processing. The script contains some small examples of how to use the code.
NOTE: This software is not associated with Netto in any way. It is provided under a GPLv3 license without any support. Please relate any issues with the App to Netto.
pip install git+https://github.com/LinuxChristian/pyNetto
- Get the Netto Scan&Go app - Android/iPhone
- Setup the app to send reciptes to your email and go shopping
- Install the Python dependencies required to run the script:
pip install -r requirements.txt
First, change the constants on line 150-153 to match your setting. Then run the script.
python pyNetto/pyNetto.py
from pyNetto import pyNetto
# Scan your Inbox for reciepts
imap = pyNetto.connect_to_imap(server, username, password)
df = pyNetto.process_emails(imap, "INBOX")
> python pyNetto.py
------ Welcome to pyNetto ------
Processed 22 emails from Netto
You have in total (DKK) spent,
On average you spend 292.94 DKK per shopping trip
Your most purchased product is,
product amount price
Your most expensive product is,
product amount price
GÅRDKYL.FILET 280G 8 280.0
These settings are dependent upon your email provider. You can likely find the settings for your provider on their website.
: Your IMAP username (might be your email address)PASSWORD
: The password to your IMAP/email accountIMAP_SERVER
: Your email server (e.g.imap.google.com
: This should point to the folder where your emails are stored on the server. If all emails are in your inbox putINBOX