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Org.OpenAPITools - the C# library for the Osnova API

Открытая документация API для, DTF и TJ ## Ограничения API ## * Не чаще 3-х запросов к API в секунду * Существуют также отдельные ограничения на отправку комментариев, лайков и др. ## Заголовки (headers) ## При запросе к API необходимо передавать поле User-agent в формате {app_name}-app/{app_version} ({device_name}; {os_name}/{os_version}; {locale}; {screen_height}x{screen_width}). Например: dtf-app/2.2.0 (Pixel 2; Android/9; ru; 1980x1794). Некоторые запросы доступны только для авторизованных пользователей (методы обозначены замком). Для этого необходимо передавать авторизационный токен X-Device-Token в заголовку запроса. Он возвращается с сервера при авторизации. Для доступа к тестовым серверам необходимо поле Authorization. ## Авторизация по API-токену Как авторизоваться в API используя специальный токен со страницы настроек пользователя

  1. Зайти в свой профиль
  2. В самом низу нажать на ссылку «Инструменты для разработчика»
  3. Вы увидите токен, с которым можно обращаться к API
  4. Можно использовать этот токен для отправки запросов к API от имени вашего аккаунта ## WebSocket ## wss://, wss://, wss:// - данные о лайках статей и комментариев. Модель отдельного элемента: #/components/schemas/Websocket

This C# SDK is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:

  • API version: 1.6.0
  • SDK version: 1.0.0
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.CSharpDotNet2ClientCodegen For more information, please visit

Frameworks supported

  • .NET 2.0


  • Mono compiler
  • Newtonsoft.Json.7.0.1
  • RestSharp.Net2.1.1.11

Note: NuGet is downloaded by the mono compilation script and packages are installed with it. No dependency DLLs are bundled with this generator


Run the following command to generate the DLL

  • [Mac/Linux] /bin/sh
  • [Windows] TODO

Then include the DLL (under the bin folder) in the C# project, and use the namespaces:

using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;

Getting Started

using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;

namespace Example
    public class Example
        public void main()
            var apiInstance = new AuthApi();
            var login = login_example;  // string |  (optional) 
            var password = password_example;  // string |  (optional) 

                InlineResponse200 result = apiInstance.AuthLogin(login, password);
            catch (Exception e)
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling AuthApi.AuthLogin: " + e.Message );

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
AuthApi AuthLogin POST /auth/login
AuthApi AuthQr POST /auth/qr
AuthApi AuthSocial POST /auth/social/{type}
BlacklistApi ContentMute POST /content/mute
BlacklistApi HashtagMute POST /hashtag/mute
BlacklistApi SubsitegMute POST /subsite/mute
CommentApi CommentEdit POST /comment/edit/{commentId}/{entryId}
CommentApi CommentSaveCommentsSeenCount POST /comment/saveCommentsSeenCount
CommentApi CommentSend POST /comment/add
CommentApi GetCommentLikes GET /comment/likers/{id}
CommentApi GetEntryComments GET /entry/{id}/comments/{sorting}
CommentApi GetEntryCommentsLevelsGet GET /entry/{id}/comments/levels/{sorting}
CommentApi GetEntryCommentsLevelsPost POST /entry/{id}/comments/levels/{sorting}
CommentApi GetEntryCommentsThread GET /entry/{entryId}/comments/thread/{commentId}
CommentApi LikeEntry POST /like
EntryApi EntryCreate POST /entry/create
EntryApi EntryLocate GET /entry/locate
EntryApi GetEntryById GET /entry/{id}
EntryApi GetPopularEntries GET /entry/{id}/popular
EntryApi LikeEntry POST /like
LayoutApi GetLayout GET /layout/{version}
LayoutApi GetLayoutHashtag GET /layout/hashtag/{hashtag}
OtherApi EntryCommentComplaint POST /entry/comment/complaint
OtherApi EntryComplaint POST /entry/complaint
OtherApi Locate GET /locate
OtherApi Search GET /search
PaymentsApi PaymentsCheck GET /payments/check
PushApi GetUserPushSettings GET /user/push/settings/get
PushApi GetUserPushTopic GET /user/push/topic
PushApi UpdateUserPushSettings POST /user/push/settings/update
SubsiteApi GetSubsite GET /subsite/{id}
SubsiteApi GetSubsiteTimeline GET /subsite/{id}/timeline/{sorting}
SubsiteApi GetSubsiteVacancies GET /subsite/{subsite_id}/vacancies
SubsiteApi GetSubsiteVacanciesMore GET /subsite/{subsite_id}/vacancies/more/{last_id}
SubsiteApi GetSubsitesList GET /subsites_list/{type}
SubsiteApi SubsiteSubscribe GET /subsite/{id}/subscribe
SubsiteApi SubsiteUnsubscribe GET /subsite/{id}/unsubscribe
TimelineApi GetFlashholder GET /getflashholdedentry
TimelineApi GetTimeline GET /timeline/{category}/{sorting}
TimelineApi GetTimelineByHashtag GET /timeline/mainpage
TimelineApi GetTimelineNews GET /news/default/recent
TweetsApi GetTweets GET /tweets/{mode}
UploadApi UploaderExtract POST /uploader/extract
UploadApi UploaderUpload POST /uploader/upload
UserApi FavoriteAdd POST /user/me/favorites
UserApi FavoriteRemove POST /user/me/favorites/remove
UserApi GetUser GET /user/{id}
UserApi GetUserComments GET /user/{id}/comments
UserApi GetUserEntries GET /user/{id}/entries
UserApi GetUserFavoritesComments GET /user/{id}/favorites/comments
UserApi GetUserFavoritesEntries GET /user/{id}/favorites/entries
UserApi GetUserFavoritesVacancies GET /user/{id}/favorites/vacancies
UserApi GetUserMe GET /user/me
UserApi GetUserMeComments GET /user/me/comments
UserApi GetUserMeEntries GET /user/me/entries
UserApi GetUserMeFavoritesComments GET /user/me/favorites/comments
UserApi GetUserMeFavoritesEntries GET /user/me/favorites/entries
UserApi GetUserMeFavoritesVacancies GET /user/me/favorites/vacancies
UserApi GetUserMeSubscriptionsRecommended GET /user/me/subscriptions/recommended
UserApi GetUserMeSubscriptionsSubscribed GET /user/me/subscriptions/subscribed
UserApi GetUserMeTuneCatalog GET /user/me/tunecatalog
UserApi GetUserMeUpdates GET /user/me/updates
UserApi GetUserMeUpdatesCount GET /user/me/updates/count
UserApi UserMeTuneCatalog POST /user/me/tunecatalog
UserApi UserMeUpdatesRead POST /user/me/updates/read
UserApi UserMeUpdatesReadId POST /user/me/updates/read/{id}
VacanciesApi GetJob GET /job
VacanciesApi GetJobFilters GET /job/filters
VacanciesApi GetJobMore GET /job/more/{last_id}
VacanciesApi GetVacancies GET /vacancies/widget
WebhooksSubscriptionsApi ApiWebhookAdd POST /webhooks/add
WebhooksSubscriptionsApi ApiWebhookDel POST /webhooks/del
WebhooksSubscriptionsApi ApiWebhooksGet GET /webhooks/get
WidgetsApi GetRates GET /rates

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: X-Device-Token
  • Location: HTTP header


Client API for (not official)







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