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- 中文版
Desktop wallpaper switch auxiliary tool.
Multi-Monitor Wallpaper Switcher can be implemented as multiple monitor screen set wallpaper images respectively, and support the function of timer switch.
This tool can work on Windows8/8.1, Windows10 and Windows11 systems.
Go to the Releases to download the program package zip
file and unzip it, run MultiMonitorWallpaperSwitcher.exe
The project relies on components provided by the following open source projects:
- FluentScheduler (BSD license)
- Hardcodet NotifyIcon for WPF (CPOL-1.02 license)
- Json.NET (MIT license)
- Material Design In XAML Toolkit (MIT license)
- XamlBehaviors for WPF (MIT license)
- SQLite
GPL-3.0 license