Releases: LerianStudio/midaz
Releases · LerianStudio/midaz
1.31.0-beta.18 (2024-12-12)
1.31.0-beta.16 (2024-12-11)
- async log transaction call ✨ (35816e4)
- create operation log struct to specify fields that should be immutable ✨ (b5438c1)
- disable audit logging thought env ✨ (8fa77c8)
- get audit exchange and routing key names from envs ✨ (ce70e91)
- remove correlation-id after midaz-id implemented ✨ (63e8016)
- ledger: remove exchange and key from connection ✨ (621cbf9)
- remove exchange and key from rabbitmq connection config ✨ (aa086a1)
- send log message after transaction created ✨ (66f3f64)
- update producer to receive Queue message, exchange and key through parameters ✨ (8dc41f3)
- ledger: update rabbitmq producer ✨ (47e3eef)
Bug Fixes
1.31.0-beta.15 (2024-12-10)
1.31.0-beta.14 (2024-12-06)
- audit: add audit logs handler ✨ (4a5fe36)
- audit: add authorization for routes ✨ (2700d50)
- audit: add custom error messages ✨ (db9bc72)
- audit: add get audit info use case ✨ (9cc6503)
- audit: add get log by hash use case ✨ (66d3b93)
- audit: add methods for retrieving trillian inclusion proof and leaf by index ✨ (03b12bd)
- audit: add trace spans ✨ (1ea30fa)
- audit: add trillian health check before connecting ✨ (9295cec)
- add update swagger audit on git pages (137824a)
- audit: add validate log use case ✨ (7216c5e)
- audit component ✨ (084603f)
- audit: audit structs to aux mongo database (4b80b75)
- create audit app (f3f8cd5)
- auth: create auditor user ✨ (5953ad9)
- create route consumer for many queues (8004063)
- audit: create struct for queue messages ✨ (646bd38)
- audit: create structs for audit transaction message (fa6b568)
- audit: create transaction logs from rabbitmq message (d54e4d3)
- audit: create trillian log leaf (d18c0c2)
- audit: errors return from log creation ✨ (69594e4)
- audit: find audit info by ID ✨ (ea91e97)
- audit: ignore updatable fields for operation ✨ (28db38d)
- audit: implement get trillian log by hash ✨ (44d103b)
- audit: implement rabbitmq consumer ✨ (9874dc4)
- implement trillian connection ✨ (c4b8877)
- audit: implements read logs by transaction handler ✨ (d134b07)
- audit: receiving audit parameter to create tree (be43f32)
- audit: returning log leaf instead of the value ✨ (9b40d88)
- right way of starter audit with only one queue consumer (15a0a8c)
- audit: starting implementation of server ✨ (edbce7b)
- audit: update audit info collection name ✨ (7cd39fa)
- audit: update audit route paths ✨ (0f12899)
- audit: using generic queue struct instead of transaction to write logs ✨ (4c1b86f)
- audit: work with generic audit log values ✨ (9beb218)
Bug Fixes
- audit: add audit_id parameter to uuid path parameters constant 🐛 (dcbcb05)
- audit: add tree size validation to fix vulnerability 🐛 (313dbf4)
- adjust to change run 🐛 (bad23fe)
- adjust to run rabbit and fiber at same time 🐛 (4ec503f)
- adjust to test rabbit receiving data 🐛 (38d3ec9)
- audit: change log level for mtrillian 🐛 (06bd3f8)
- audit: change otel exporter service name 🐛 (85c15b4)
- change rabbit and mongo envs for audit component 🐛 (2854909)
- audit: fix field name 🐛 (eb8f647)
- audit: handle audit not found error only 🐛 (212ebac)
- audit: make constants public 🐛 (baaee67)
- merge git 🐛 (65a985a)
- audit: nack message when an error occurs 🐛 (88090b0)
- audit: otel envs 🐛 (6328d90)
- rabbit init on server before fiber 🐛 (51c1b53)
- ledger: remove create audit tree from ledger creation 🐛 (8783145)
- remove second queue consumer after tests 🐛 (8df4703)
- audit: shutdown when consumer error 🐛 (22b24c9)
- audit: trillian server host name 🐛 (84b73ff)
- update audit env version 🐛 (79475b2)
- audit: update components/audit/internal/adapters/http/in/response.go (3d8d8cd)
1.31.0-beta.13 (2024-12-06)
Bug Fixes
1.31.0-beta.12 (2024-12-06)
1.31.0-beta.11 (2024-12-06)
Bug Fixes
- account: omit optional fields in update request payload 🐛 (33f3e7d)
1.31.0-beta.10 (2024-12-06)
1.31.0-beta.9 (2024-12-04)
Bug Fixes
- add more actions with same background 🐛 (cdd8164)
- add more rules and shrink actions 🐛 (ce2b916)
- adjust unit test 🐛 (da988f0)
- change place order 🐛 (96f416d)
- codeql 🐛 (1edae06)
- final version 🐛 (65d2656)
- more adjusts 🐛 (dfc3513)
- more adjusts and replace wrong calls 🐛 (ed7c57d)
- more shrink actions 🐛 (efa9e96)
- new adjust 🐛 (2259b11)
- reorganize code 🐛 (54debfc)
- review dog fail_error to any 🐛 (f7a00f9)
- some redefinitions 🐛 (5eae327)
- ubuntu version 🐛 (64748c7)
- unify codeql/lint/sec/unit 🐛 (53de44c)
- update check 🐛 (2c98e13)
- update check and name 🐛 (7533a52)
- update checks 🐛 (7cf15ad)
- update error in yaml syntax 🐛 (322f2c9)
- update image to ubuntu-24.04 🐛 (b91d104)
- update reference 🐛 (3d2f96f)
- update some checks 🐛 (f551b35)