Releases: LerianStudio/midaz
Releases · LerianStudio/midaz
1.39.0 (2024-12-27)
- add tests to to print ✨ (49bd3ce)
- print release (c915b67)
- update Choco install.ps1 with the latest release version ✨ (3fbc073)
Bug Fixes
- add env test 🐛 (23351ae)
- add git token 🐛 (a42bf8b)
- add id to steps 🐛 (e6b22f8)
- add jobs with conditional 🐛 (fecc256)
- add more echo 🐛 (8d71809)
- add new echos 🐛 (1d5f58d)
- add on outputs 🐛 (967a3e6)
- add prints 🐛 (27e7c43)
- add same behavior in metadata transaction 🐛 (783ae69)
- add steps if main or not 🐛 (dc7ac2e)
- add variables 🐛 (d69afd4)
- added print install.ps1 shell (389c26a)
- added push choco (ecd2580)
- added url hardcoded to test run package choco (a6c9632)
- adjust ref variable 🐛 (f7bb3d8)
- adjust trigger git actions 🐛 (7dca6a7)
- check bin access cli mdz 🐛 (f93da6c)
- check var version value 🐛 (42731cc)
- choco pack added (0d8876e)
- comment if check main to action choco to validated (c55a9e8)
- define shell before script (3091d0d)
- final 🐛 (5c3347c)
- get branch and set to env 🐛 (4a5cde0)
- list itens (f8da540)
- print job variable 🐛 (db155b3)
- print var env (d3422e0)
- print var env choco (a9e7be7)
- push package in chocoloty 🐛 (4c17e0a)
- remove query params url icon github (bfcdbe3)
- remove uuid wrong version and invalid variant from tests 🐛 (cf7587d)
- runner action package to commit (3395dfa)
- tagname nuspec close errored (f97e2a6)
- try install local 2 testing 🐛 (7d1998f)
- try install local testing 🐛 (2737ded)
- update dispached action chocolaty in momment correct (99cd335)
- update from and to 🐛 (dda0b79)
- update func that check is uuid our alias from account 🐛 (f336c64)
- update some adjusts 🐛 (61db1cf)
- update version final 🐛 (668ede4)
- used var version correct (cf11623)
1.38.1-beta.1 (2024-12-26)
1.38.0-beta.5 (2024-12-23)
1.38.0-beta.4 (2024-12-23)
1.38.0-beta.3 (2024-12-23)
1.38.0-beta.1 (2024-12-23)
Bug Fixes
- add release verification to ensure valid conditions for brew and choco jobs (3e2f473)