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Merge pull request jarun#785 from LeXofLeviafan/bukuserver-runner
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added a bukuserver runner tool
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jarun authored Sep 30, 2024
2 parents 1b6d18f + a6cf5e4 commit 3dece73
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36 changes: 36 additions & 0 deletions bukuserver-runner/
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# Bukuserver runner

This tool can be used to run and restart Bukuserver, switching databases between runs. It has no third-party dependencies, allowing to run Bukuserver sandboxed in a virtualenv as easily as the system-wide install (which is especifally useful for development).

I suggest installing/symlinking it system-wide (e.g. as an `/usr/local/bin/buku-server` executable). Either of the `*.desktop` files can be edited according to match your setup and installed in your `local/share/applications/` folder for access from system menu.

On Windows, you can create a shortcut file pointing to any Python executable (`python.exe` for windowed mode, `pythonw.exe` for headless) with added CLI arguments: path to `` followed by `--stop-if-running`.

Note that windowed mode may be necessary if you want to see Bukuserver logs, or use noGUI mode (see below). The terminal window can be minimized to tray when not in use, by a program like [KDocker](, [RBTray]( or [SmartSystemMenu](

## Usage

When running `` without arguments, it will prompt for database file, then start the Bukuserver. These actions will be repeated once Bukuserver stops running (e.g. after hitting `Ctrl+C`). The script will quit if you cancel the prompt.

In GUI mode, the prompt is implemented as 2 dialogs; a list of databases to choose from, and a text input for creating a new DB. In the shell mode, you can type in DB number from the list, or a new DB name. Note that DB names must be valid filenames in your system (sans the `.db` extension). These files are located in your Buku settings folder (along with the default `bookmarks.db` file).

Running ` --stop` will kill the currently running Bukuserver process (thus allowing to restart it in the background, like a daemon). ` --stop-if-running` will either start the script or kill Bukuserver if it's running already.

## Environment variables

The script behaviour can be configured by setting the following environment variables:
* `BUKUSERVER` specifies path to your Bukuserver executable or Buku source directory.
* `BUKU_DEVMODE` – if not empty, Bukuserver will be run in development mode. Normally used with source directory in `BUKUSERVER`.
* `BUKU_VENV` overrides path to your virtualenv sandbox (default depends on whether `BUKU_DEVMODE` is set):
- when devmode is off, the virtualenv location defaults to a `venv/` folder in your Buku settings directory;
- when devmode is on, the virtualenv location defaults to a `venv/` folder in the source directory.
* `BUKU_NOGUI` – if not empty, fallback shell prompt will be used (also happens if Tkinter is not present in your Python installation).

Default values for all of these (as well as for `BUKUSERVER_` options) can be specified in a `bukuserver.env` file in your Buku settings folder:
# ~/.local/share/buku/bukuserver.env
BUKUSERVER='~/Sources/buku/' # when running from sources
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions bukuserver-runner/buku-server-headless.desktop
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@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
# This file can be used as a windowless startup/restart shortcut on Linux desktop/menu (after editing the Exec= command line)
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Bukuserver (headless)
GenericName=Bookmaks manager
Comment=WebUI for the buku bookmarks manager
Exec={BUKU_SERVER} --stop-if-running
#Exec=/usr/local/bin/buku-server --stop-if-running
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions bukuserver-runner/buku-server.desktop
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# This file can be used as a windowed startup/restart shortcut on Linux desktop/menu (after editing the Exec= command line)
[Desktop Entry]
GenericName=Bookmaks manager
Comment=WebUI for the buku bookmarks manager
Exec={TERMINAL} -e '{BUKU_SERVER} --stop-if-running'
#Exec=xfce4-terminal -e '/usr/local/bin/buku-server --stop-if-running'
272 changes: 272 additions & 0 deletions bukuserver-runner/
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@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Usage: `` starts up the server, ` --stop` sends TERM to the already running server
# ` --stop-if-running` will either start the script or kill Bukuserver if it's running already
from signal import signal, SIGINT
from contextlib import contextmanager
from os import environ as env
import sys
import os
import re
import shlex
import csv
import venv
import subprocess

TITLE = re.sub(r'\.py$', '', os.path.basename(__file__))
IS_WINDOWS = sys.platform == 'win32'

is_path = lambda s: ('/' in s or os.sep in s or s in ('.', '..'))
in_venv = lambda virtualenv, name: os.path.join(virtualenv, ('Scripts' if IS_WINDOWS else 'bin'), name)
set_title = lambda s: (print(f'\033]2;{s}\007', end='') if not IS_WINDOWS else run(f'title {s}', shell=True))

from tkinter.messagebox import showerror, askyesno
from tkinter.simpledialog import askstring, Dialog
from tkinter import ttk
import tkinter as tk

class QueryList(Dialog):
def __init__(self, title, prompt, values, initial=None, parent=None):
self._prompt, self._vals, self._initial = prompt, values, (initial if initial in values else values[0])
super().__init__(parent, title)

def body(self, master):
w = ttk.Label(master, text=self._prompt, justify=tk.LEFT)
w.grid(row=0, padx=5, sticky=tk.W)
self._list = ttk.Treeview(master, show='tree')
self._list.grid(row=1, padx=5, sticky=tk.W+tk.E)
scroll = ttk.Scrollbar(master)
scroll.grid(row=1, padx=5, sticky=tk.E+tk.N+tk.S)
self._keys = [self._list.insert('', 'end', text=s) for s in self._vals]
self._list.bind('<KeyPress>', self.onkeypress)
self._list.bind('<Double-1>', lambda _: self.after('idle', self.ok))
return self._list

def select(self, index):

def onkeypress(self, evt):
match = [i for i, s in enumerate(self._vals) if s.startswith(evt.char)]
if evt.char and match:
cur = self._list.index(self._list.focus()) if self._vals[cur].startswith(evt.char) and cur+1 in match else match[0])

def validate(self):
self.result = self._list.item(self._list.focus())['text']
return True

asklist = lambda title, prompt, values, initial=None: QueryList(title, prompt, values, initial=initial).result
GUI = True
except ImportError:
GUI = False
print('Failed to initialize GUI', file=sys.stderr)

def is_valid_filepath(path):
except FileNotFoundError:
except Exception:
return False
if os.path.isdir(path) or path.endswith(os.path.sep):
return False # directory
drive, s = os.path.splitdrive(path)
return not IS_WINDOWS or not'[<>:"|?*]', s)

def ignore_interrupt(): # temporarily disables raising KeyboardInterrupt on Ctrl+C
old_handler = signal(SIGINT, lambda sig, frame: None)
signal(SIGINT, old_handler)

def run(command, *, shell=IS_WINDOWS, check=True):
command = (os.path.expandvars(command) if isinstance(command, str) else [os.path.expandvars(s) for s in command])
with ignore_interrupt():
return, shell=shell, check=check)
except Exception as e:
print(e, file=sys.stderr)

def parse_csv(text):
text = (text.decode() if isinstance(text, bytes) else str(text)).strip()
keys, lines = None, re.split(r'[\r\n]+', text)
for row in csv.reader(lines):
if not keys:
keys = row
yield dict(zip(keys, row))

def find_process(query, regex):
query = str(query or "name LIKE '%'")
command = ['wmic', 'process', 'where', query, 'get', 'commandline,processid', '/format:csv']
output = subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True)
for process in parse_csv(output):
if, process['CommandLine']):
return int(process['ProcessId'])
command = 'ps x -o pid,cmd | awk ' + shlex.quote(f'$2 ~ /{query or ".*"}/')
output = subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True)
for line in output.decode().splitlines():
pid, cmdline = line.lstrip().split(' ', 1)
if, cmdline):
return pid
return None # nothing found

def find_bukuserver_process():
if not IS_WINDOWS:
return find_process(r'(^|\/)python[.0-9]*$', r'\b(bukuserver(/server\.py)?) run$')
return find_process('name like "python%.exe"', r'\b(bukuserver-script\.py|bukuserver([/\\]server\.py)?)"? run$')

def kill_process(pid):
run(['kill', str(pid)] if not IS_WINDOWS else ['taskkill', '/F', '/pid', str(pid)])

def get_buku_config_dir():
path = (env.get('APPDATA') if IS_WINDOWS else
env.get('XDG_DATA_HOME') or os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.local', 'share'))
return os.path.join(path, 'buku')

def read_env_file(path):
regex = re.compile('([_A-Z]+)=(?:"(.*)"|\'(.*)\'|(.*))')
with open(path, encoding='utf-8') as fin:
for line in fin:
tokens = shlex.split(line, comments=True)
if tokens and (m := regex.fullmatch(tokens[0])):
yield (m[1], m[2] or m[3] or m[4])
except FileNotFoundError:

def selectdb(confdir, old=None, gui=GUI, title=TITLE):
old = old and re.sub(r'^' + re.escape(confdir+os.path.sep), '', re.sub(r'\.db$', '', old))
if old and any(c in old for c in ['/', os.path.sep]):
old = None
dbs = sorted(s[:-3] for s in os.listdir(confdir) if s.lower().endswith('.db'))
if gui:
db = (None if not dbs else
asklist(title, 'Choose DB (or click Cancel to create new DB)', dbs, initial=old or 'bookmarks'))
while not db:
db = askstring(title, f'{"Create new DB?":65}', initialvalue=old or 'bookmarks')
if db is None:
print('No name given, qutting', file=sys.stderr)
return None
dbfile = os.path.join(confdir, db+'.db')
if not db or any(c in db for c in ['/', os.path.sep]) or not is_valid_filepath(dbfile):
showerror(title, f'Invalid DB name: "{db}"')
db = None
elif os.path.exists(dbfile):
if not askyesno(title, f'"{db}" exists already. Open anyway?'):
db = None
db = None
while not db:
print('\nType DB name or index (0 to quit):')
for idx, name in enumerate(dbs, start=1):
print(f'{idx}. {name}')
db = input('> ' if not old else f'> [{old}] ').strip() or old or 'bookmarks'
except EOFError as e:
raise KeyboardInterrupt from e
except KeyboardInterrupt:
with ignore_interrupt():
print('Input cancelled', file=sys.stderr)
return None
idx = int(db)
if idx == 0:
print('Entered "0", quitting', file=sys.stderr)
return None
if idx > 0:
db = dbs[idx-1]
except IndexError:
print('No such index!', file=sys.stderr)
db = None
except ValueError:
pass # not an index
dbfile = os.path.join(confdir, db+'.db')
if not db or any(c in db for c in ['/', os.path.sep]) or not is_valid_filepath(dbfile):
print(f'Invalid DB name: "{db}"', file=sys.stderr)
db = None
elif not os.path.exists(dbfile):
if input(f'"{db}" does not exist yet. Create? [Y/n] ').upper().strip() == 'N':
db = None
return db and os.path.join(confdir, db+'.db')

def load_virtualenv(virtualenv, devmode=False, reinstall=False):
print(f'Using {os.path.abspath(virtualenv)}')
venv.create(virtualenv, with_pip=True, prompt='buku')
run([in_venv(virtualenv, 'python'), '-m', 'pip', 'install', '--upgrade', 'pip'])
if reinstall:
env.get('BUKUSERVER_LOCALE') and run([in_venv(virtualenv, 'pip'), 'install', 'flask-babel'])
if not devmode:
run([in_venv(virtualenv, 'pip'), 'install', '.[server]'])
run([in_venv(virtualenv, 'pip'), 'install', '--editable', '.[server]'])

def prepare_vars():
confdir = get_buku_config_dir()
for name, value in read_env_file(os.path.join(confdir, 'bukuserver.env')):
env.setdefault(name, value)
workdir, exec, devmode = None, env.get('BUKUSERVER') or '', bool(env.get('BUKU_DEVMODE'))
devmode and env.setdefault('BUKUSERVER_DEBUG', 'true')
if exec and os.path.isdir(os.path.expanduser(exec)):
workdir, exec = exec, os.path.join('bukuserver', '')
return {
'confdir': confdir,
'devmode': devmode,
'gui': GUI and not env.get('BUKU_NOGUI'),
'exec': exec or 'bukuserver',
'workdir': workdir,
'virtualenv': env.get('BUKU_VENV') or (workdir and os.path.join(('.' if devmode else confdir), 'venv')),

def run_repeatedly(confdir, devmode=False, gui=GUI, exec=None, workdir=None, virtualenv=None):
if workdir:
elif virtualenv:
virtualenv = '.'
virtualenv and load_virtualenv(virtualenv, devmode=devmode, reinstall=bool(workdir))
command = [os.path.expanduser(exec), 'run']
if exec.endswith('.py'):
command = ['python'] + command
elif exec == 'bukuserver':
command = ['python', '-m'] + command
if virtualenv:
command[0] = in_venv(virtualenv, command[0])
set_title(f'{TITLE} [{shlex.join(command)}]')
db = env.get('BUKUSERVER_DB_FILE') or os.path.join(confdir, 'bookmarks.db')
while True:
print('Running Bukuserver…')
if not (db := selectdb(confdir, gui=gui, old=db)):
run(command, check=False)

if __name__ == '__main__':
if (pid := find_bukuserver_process()):
if any(s in sys.argv for s in ['--stop', '--stop-if-running']):
print(f'Killing process {pid}')
print('Already running bukuserver!', file=sys.stderr)
if '--stop' in sys.argv:
print('Could not find a running bukuserver process!', file=sys.stderr)

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