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SISHC is a bash script and a web app for easy management of sish tunnels.

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SISHC Tunnel Manager

SISHC Tunnel Manager is a lightweight, web app and bash script for managing sish tunnels.
The goal of this app is to quickly expose any local http/https/tcp server to a domain on a remote VPS, with built-in certificates and http to https handling.
The app enables you to add, edit, delete, and monitor SSH tunnels conveniently through a user-friendly interface, or by editing the config-file directly.
The project is built using Flask, Bulma, and Codemirror.


  • Add New Tunnels: Create SSH tunnels with configurable local and remote settings.
  • Edit Configurations: Update global and individual tunnel configurations via a streamlined interface.
  • Manage Tunnels: Edit raw configurations directly or delete tunnels when no longer needed.
  • View Logs: Access logs for individual tunnels or view aggregated logs.
  • CLI update supported: Tunnels with be updated when a change is detected in the config-file.


Ensure that PUID and PGID is set as the same user that owns the config-dir and the private key(s) used. After starting the container, access the web ui at port 5000, eg.

docker compose

    container_name: sishc
      - ./config:/config
      - ~/.ssh:/config/.ssh:ro
      - TZ=Europe/Oslo
      - PUID=1000 # defaults to 1000
      - PGID=1000 # defaults to 1000
    #      - USE_COLOR=false # toggle color in logs
    #      - SISHC_OUTPUT_LOG="/config/sishc.log" # change log path
      - 5000:5000
    restart: on-failure:10

docker cli

docker run --name sishc --rm -d -v ./config:/config -v ~/.ssh:/config/.ssh:ro -e TZ=Europe/Oslo -e PUID=${UID} -e PGID=${GID} -p 5000:5000


The configuration file at ~/.config/sishc/config.yaml should have the following structure:

# Global Configuration
ssh_key: "~/.ssh/id_rsa"
local_protocol: "http"
local_host: "localhost"
local_port: 8080
remote_port: 2222
remote_server: ""
# Tunnel Specific Configurations
  - name: "first_tunnel"
    local_protocol: "http"
    local_host: "localhost"
    local_port: 8080
    remote_port: 2222
    remote_server: ""
  - name: "second_tunnel"
    local_protocol: "https"
    local_port: 4433
    disabled: True
  - name: "2512" # Expose ssh port to
    local_port: 22
    local_protocol: tcp

Configuration Parameters

  • ssh_key: Path to your SSH private key.
  • local_protocol: Protocol to use for the local service (http, https or tcp).
  • local_host: Hostname or IP address of the local service.
  • local_port: Port number of the local service.
  • remote_port: Port number on the remote server.
  • remote_server: Hostname or IP address of the remote server.
  • disabled: Quckly disable a tunnel without deleting it, by setting this to true.
  • tunnels: A list of tunnel configurations, each with a unique name.
  • name: The desired subdomain, or remote port when forwarding tcp.

How do I configure sish for this?

I've attached an example as how I run sish in docker-compose-sish-example.yaml, for full instructions, see the docs.

Running outside Docker

Before using, ensure you have the following installed:

  • Bash
  • yq - A command-line YAML processor.
  • autossh - A tool to automatically restart SSH sessions.

Requirements for is listed in requiments.txt, if you want to use the web frontend.


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd sishc
  2. Make the script executable:

    chmod +x
  3. (Optional) Move the script to a directory in your PATH for easier access:

    mv /usr/local/bin/sishc


Run the script to start managing your sish tunnels:


You can also run it in the background or as a service to keep your tunnels active.


Logs are written to ~/.local/share/sishc/sishc.log by default. You can change the log file location by setting the SISHC_OUTPUT_LOG environment variable.

Color Output

By default, the script uses colored output. You can disable this by running the script with the --no-color flag:

./ --no-color


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue for any bugs or feature requests.


This project is licensed under the GPL-3.0 License. See the LICENSE file for details.


  • sish for the tunnel software itself.
  • autossh for maintaining SSH tunnels.
  • yq for YAML processing.

Nota Bene

This README was mostly written by GPT-4o