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File metadata and controls

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CLI Commands

Use the CLI to manage your control plane, deploy applications, and interact with an application's gateway.

To install the CLI, see Installation.

To configure the CLI, see Configuration.


langstream <command> <subcommand> --argument="value"


Subcommand Description Arguments and Example
list List all applications Example: langstream apps list
get Get application status Example: langstream apps get "some-app-id" -o: optional output format, supported values are “json”, “yaml”, “raw”. Default is “raw”.
delete Remove an application Example: langstream apps delete “some-app-id”
deploy Deploy a new application Example: langstream apps deploy my-app-id --app “./my-app-files” --i “./instances.yaml” --s “./secrets.yaml”
download Download LangStream application code Example: langstream apps download myapp -o /
update Update an existing application Example: langstream apps update my-app-id --app “./my-app-files” --i “./instances.yaml” --s “./secrets.yaml”
logs Get application logs Example: langstream apps logs my-app-id -f “some-app-worker, another-app-worker”
ui Start the UI for the application Example: langstream apps ui my-app-id --port="8092" (if set to 0, a random port will be used)


{% hint style="info" %} Configuration is deprecated. Use langstream profiles instead. {% endhint %}

Subcommand Description Arguments and Example
tenant Tenant name Example: langstream configure tenant “a-tenant”
webServiceUrl Control plane URL Example: langstream configure webServiceUrl http://localhost:8090
apiGatewayUrl Gateway api URL Example: langstream configure apiGatewayUrl http://localhost:8091
token Authentication token Currently not used, held for future feature.

docker run

{% hint style="info" %} docker run is a command with no subcommands, so this table has arguments that are passed to the docker run command. {% endhint %}

Arguments Description Example
--application, -app Application directory path Example: --application="./app-files" Path where the application files are located. Required.
--instance, -i Instance file path Example: --instance="./instance.yaml" Optional; path to the instance file.
--start-broker Start the broker Example: --start-broker="true" Should the broker be started? Default: true.
--start-s3 Start the S3 service Example: --start-s3="true" Should the S3 service be started? Default: true.
--start-webservices Start LangStream web services Example: --start-webservices="true" Should LangStream web services be started? Default: true.
--start-database Start Vector-JDBC database Example: --start-database="true" Should LangStream vector database be started? Default: true.
--start-ui Start local UI Example: --start-ui="true" Should LangStream apps UI be started? Default: true.
--only-agent Run only one agent Example: --only-agent="AgentID" ID of a single agent to run (optional).
--secrets, -s Secrets file path Example: --secrets="./secrets.yaml" Optional; path to the secrets file.
--memory Memory for Docker Example: --memory="4G" Memory allocated to the Docker container.
--cpus CPU for Docker Example: --cpus="2" CPU cores allocated to the Docker container.
--docker-args Additional Docker arguments Example: --docker-args ""
--docker-command Command to run Docker Example: --docker-command="docker-compose"
--ui-port, -up Port for the local webserver and UI. If 0, a random port is used. Example: --ui-port="8092"


Subcommand Description Arguments and Example
chat Produce and consume messages from gateway in a chat-like fashion

Example: langstream gateway chat my-app-id -cg “some-gateway-id” -pg “another-gateway-id” -p “key=value” -c “some-credentials”

--connect-timeout: Connect timeout in seconds.

consume Consume messages from a gateway

Example: langstream gateway consume my-app-id “some-gateway-id” -p “key=value” -c “some-credentials” --position “latest”

--connect-timeout: Connect timeout in seconds.

produce Produce messages to a gateway

Example: langstream gateway produce my-app-id “some-gateway-id” -p “key=value” -c “some-credentials” -v “some-message” -k “some-key” --header “key=value”

--connect-timeout: Connect timeout in seconds.


Subcommand Description Arguments and Example
create Create a new profile

Example: langstream profiles create my-profile --set-current

--web-service-url: webServiceUrl of the profile (REQUIRED)

--api-gateway-url: apiGatewayUrl of the profile

--tenant: tenant of the profile

--token: token of the profile

update Update an existing profile

Example: langstream profiles update my-profile --set-current

--web-service-url: webServiceUrl of the profile

--api-gateway-url: apiGatewayUrl of the profile --tenant: tenant of the profile --token: token of the profile

delete Delete an existing profile Example: langstream profiles delete my-profile
get-current Get current profile Example: langstream profiles get-current
get Get a profile configuration Example: langstream profiles get my-profile -o=json
import Import profile from file or inline json

Example: langstream profiles import my-profile -f file.json

--file, -f: create profile from JSON file
--inline, -i: create profile with inline JSON. Can also use --inline 'base64:xxxx' for base64-encoded JSON
--update, -u: allow the profile to be updated, --update=true

list List profiles Example: langstream profiles list -o=json
set-current Set a profile as the current profile Example: langstream profiles set-current my-profile


Directive Description Arguments and Example
create Create a tenant Example: langstream tenants create "a-tenant"
delete Remove a tenant Example: langstream tenants delete "a-tenant"
get Get tenant configuration Example: langstream tenants get "a-tenant"
list List all tenants Example: langstream tenants list
max-total-resource-units Integer defining the maximum resources the tenant can use. Can be null.

See the source for resource unit values.

Example: langstream tenants create "a-tenant" --max-total-resource-units=10

put Save a tenant Example: langstream tenants put "a-tenant"
update Update an existing tenant Example: langstream tenants update "a-tenant"