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Collaboration and solution repo for the NC3 CTF - 2022.
This repository holds the write-ups for a bunch of tasks some of us did, during the annual christmas ctf, hosted by the Danish Center for Cyber Crime (NC3).
Every year, the cyber crime division of the Danish police, hosts this competition, purely for fun.
We always have a few teams competing, the three Bricketeers is one of them.
Security is a huge part of building software these days. It is at the core of everything, no matter if you're making internal software or public facing software.
For us, competing in this is a fun way to improve our skills a bit and a great christmas tradition.
The team consists of three software engineers.
Morten Bøgh
Nicolai Søndergaard
Alex Wichmann
More than 400 teams signed up.
3 teams solved all tasks. Congratulations to those, quite an achievement.
We finished 9th, or on a shared (based on points) 6th position.