Migrate to angular/cdk to fix all issues with angular/material (Breaking Change) (fixes #137, #111, #95)
Split plain-gallery and modal-gallery decoupling those components. Instead, define new APIs to open modal-gallery as a service (Breaking Change)
upgrade to Angular 12 and angular-cli 12
Force Angular >= 12 as minimum supported version. (Breaking Change).
remove support to both Angular 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 (Breaking Change)
remove Module.forRoot() (Breaking Change)
move keyboard configuration into libconfig (permits different configuration for every instance of the library). (Breaking Change)
use IVY as recommended by Angular team ('partial' in tsconfig)
Add ability to set fallback image #194 (Breaking Change)
Add a way to disable titles if requested by the user #179 (Breaking Change)
remove size from plainGallery Image interface #206 (Breaking Change) - reported by @studiocuboweb
add new param to previewConfig to display previews on small screens #213 (pull request #214 by vlafranca)
Change the background color of modal gallery #225 (requested by @danurasenan here)
Carousel has a new input "[disableSsrWorkaround]="true"" to use modals in carousels with SystemJS (Breaking Change).
Also, every time you need to open modal gallery, you must pass to LibConfig this code:keyboardServiceConfig: { shortcuts: ['ctrl+s', 'meta+s'], disableSsrWorkaround: true }
new modal-gallery CSS classes used to set the backdrop (BREAKING CHANGES)
.ks-modal-gallery-backdrop { background: #000 !important;; opacity: 0.85 !important;; } .ks-modal-gallery-panel { z-index: 90000 !important; }
- remove AppVeyor
- remove CircleCi
- remove Travis Ci
- add Github Actions Ci
- add Github CodeQL
- remove npm's codeclimate coverage reporter to use the new version
- add Security Policy in SECURITY.MD
- update tests to the new APIs and components
- upgrade all examples with Angular 12
- remove SystemJS example
- create new stackblitz example with Angular 12 and Ivy enabled
- new doc website HERE
Attention! Angular support for Microsoft's Internet Explorer 11 (IE11) is deprecated and will be removed in Angular v13.
For the same reason, from angular-modal-gallery 8.0.0, IE11 has been deprecated.
At the moment it's still working, but it will be removed in angular-modal-gallery 9.0.0.