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[Exaqute] Add wind generator (#7871)
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* Add wind generator

* Correct imports: add KratosMultiphysics.ExaquteSandboxApplication.

* Move wind generation inside a folder
  • Loading branch information
riccardotosi authored Nov 24, 2020
1 parent 7906d2f commit 4ce824d
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from math import *
import numpy as np
from scipy.special import kv as Kv
from scipy.special import hyp2f1
from itertools import product
from time import time
from tqdm import tqdm

import scipy.fftpack as fft
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.special import hyp2f1

# Generic Covariance class

class Covariance:

def __init__(self, ndim=2, verbose=0, **kwargs):

self.verbose = verbose

self.ndim = ndim # dimension 2D or 3D

if 'func' in kwargs:
self.eval_func = kwargs['func']

# Evaluate covariance function

def eval(self, *argv, **kwargs):
self.eval_func(*argv, **kwargs)


# Von Karman Covariance class

class VonKarmanCovariance(Covariance):

def __init__(self, ndim, length_scale, E0, **kwargs):

### Spatial dimensions
if ndim != 3:
print('ndim MUST BE 3')
self.ndim = 3

self.L = length_scale
self.E0 =E0

# Compute the power spectrum

def precompute_Spectrum(self, Frequences):

Nd = [Frequences[j].size for j in range(self.ndim)]
SqrtSpectralTens = np.tile(np.zeros(Nd),(3,3,1,1,1))

k = np.array(list(np.meshgrid(*Frequences, indexing='ij')))
kk = np.sum(k**2,axis=0)

const = self.E0 * (self.L**17/3) / (4*np.pi)
const = np.sqrt( const / (1 + (self.L**2) * kk)**(17/6) )

# beta = 0.1
# const = np.exp(-beta*k) * const

SqrtSpectralTens[0,1,...] = -const * k[2,...]
SqrtSpectralTens[0,2,...] = const * k[1,...]
SqrtSpectralTens[1,0,...] = const * k[2,...]
SqrtSpectralTens[1,2,...] = -const * k[0,...]
SqrtSpectralTens[2,0,...] = -const * k[1,...]
SqrtSpectralTens[2,1,...] = const * k[0,...]

return SqrtSpectralTens*1j

# Compute the power spectrum

# def factor(self, SpectralTensor):

# w, v = np.linalg.eig(SpectralTensor)

# w[w.real < 1e-15] = 0.0

# w = np.sqrt(np.maximum(w,0.0))
# wdiag = np.diag(w)

# # if any(isinstance(v_, complex) for v_ in list(v.flatten())):
# # print('v = ', v)

# return,np.transpose(v)).real

# Evaluate covariance function

def eval(self, *args):
print('eval function is not supported')

def eval_sqrt(self, *args, nu=None, corrlen=None):
print('eval_sqrt function is not supported')


# Mann Covariance class

class MannCovariance(Covariance):

def __init__(self, ndim, length_scale, E0, Gamma, **kwargs):

### Spatial dimensions
if ndim != 3:
print('ndim MUST BE 3')
self.ndim = 3

self.L = length_scale
self.E0 = E0
self.Gamma = Gamma

# Compute the power spectrum

def precompute_Spectrum(self, Frequences):

Nd = [Frequences[j].size for j in range(self.ndim)]
SqrtSpectralTens = np.tile(np.zeros(Nd),(3,3,1,1,1))
tmpTens = np.tile(np.zeros(Nd),(3,3,1,1,1))

k = np.array(list(np.meshgrid(*Frequences, indexing='ij')))
kk = np.sum(k**2,axis=0)

with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):

beta = self.Gamma * (kk * self.L**2)**(-1/3) / np.sqrt( hyp2f1(1/3, 17/6, 4/3, -1/(kk*self.L**2)) )
beta[np.where(kk==0)] = 0

k1 = k[0,...]
k2 = k[1,...]
k3 = k[2,...]
k30 = k3 + beta*k1

kk0 = k1**2 + k2**2 + k30**2

#### Isotropic with k0

const = self.E0 * (self.L**(17/3)) / (4*np.pi)
const = np.sqrt( const / (1 + (self.L**2) * kk0)**(17/6) )

# to enforce zero mean in the x-direction:
# const[k1 == 0] = 0.0

tmpTens[0,1,...] = -const * k30
tmpTens[0,2,...] = const * k2
tmpTens[1,0,...] = const * k30
tmpTens[1,2,...] = -const * k1
tmpTens[2,0,...] = -const * k2
tmpTens[2,1,...] = const * k1

#### RDT

s = k1**2 + k2**2
C1 = beta * k1**2 * (kk0 - 2 * k30**2 + beta * k1 * k30) / (kk * s)
numerator = beta * k1 * np.sqrt(s)
denominator = kk0 - k30 * k1 * beta
C2 = k2 * kk0 / s**(3/2) * np.arctan2 (numerator,denominator)

zeta1 = C1 - k2/k1 * C2
zeta2 = k2/k1 *C1 + C2
zeta3 = kk0/kk

# deal with divisions by zero
zeta1 = np.nan_to_num(zeta1)
zeta2 = np.nan_to_num(zeta2)
zeta3 = np.nan_to_num(zeta3)

SqrtSpectralTens[0,0,...] = tmpTens[0,0,...] + zeta1 * tmpTens[2,0,...]
SqrtSpectralTens[0,1,...] = tmpTens[0,1,...] + zeta1 * tmpTens[2,1,...]
SqrtSpectralTens[0,2,...] = tmpTens[0,2,...] + zeta1 * tmpTens[2,2,...]
SqrtSpectralTens[1,0,...] = tmpTens[1,0,...] + zeta2 * tmpTens[2,0,...]
SqrtSpectralTens[1,1,...] = tmpTens[1,1,...] + zeta2 * tmpTens[2,1,...]
SqrtSpectralTens[1,2,...] = tmpTens[1,2,...] + zeta2 * tmpTens[2,2,...]
SqrtSpectralTens[2,0,...] = zeta3 * tmpTens[2,0,...]
SqrtSpectralTens[2,1,...] = zeta3 * tmpTens[2,1,...]
SqrtSpectralTens[2,2,...] = zeta3 * tmpTens[2,2,...]

return SqrtSpectralTens*1j

# Evaluate covariance function

def eval(self, *args):
print('eval function is not supported')

def eval_sqrt(self, *args, nu=None, corrlen=None):
print('eval_sqrt function is not supported')


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import pyfftw
from math import *
import numpy as np
from scipy.special import kv as Kv
from scipy.linalg import sqrtm
from itertools import product
from time import time
from tqdm import tqdm

import scipy.fftpack as fft
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import KratosMultiphysics.ExaquteSandboxApplication.WindGenerator.CovarianceKernels as CovarianceKernels
from KratosMultiphysics.ExaquteSandboxApplication.WindGenerator.Sampling_Methods import *

# Gaussian Random Field generator class

class GaussianRandomField:

def __init__(self, grid_level, grid_shape=None, grid_dimensions=[1.0,1.0,1.0], ndim=2, window_margin=0, sampling_method='fft', verbose=0, **kwargs):
self.verbose = verbose
self.ndim = ndim # dimension 2D or 3D
self.all_axes = np.arange(self.ndim)

if np.isscalar(grid_level):
if not np.isscalar(grid_shape):
print('grid_level and grid_shape must have the same dimensions')
h = 1/2**grid_level
self.grid_shape = np.array([grid_shape]*ndim)
h = np.array([grid_dimensions[0]/(2**grid_level[0]+1),grid_dimensions[1]/(2**grid_level[1]+1),grid_dimensions[2]/(2**grid_level[2]+1)])
self.grid_shape = np.array(grid_shape[:ndim])
self.L = h * self.grid_shape

### Extended window (NOTE: extension is done outside)
N_margin = 0
self.ext_grid_shape = self.grid_shape
self.nvoxels =
self.DomainSlice = tuple([slice(N_margin, N_margin + self.grid_shape[j]) for j in range(self.ndim)])

### Covariance
self.Covariance = kwargs['Covariance']

### Sampling method
t = time()
self.setSamplingMethod(sampling_method, **kwargs)
if self.verbose:
print('Init method {0:s}, time {1}'.format(self.method, time()-t))

# Pseudo-random number generator
self.prng = np.random.RandomState()
self.noise_std = np.sqrt(

# Initialize sampling method

def setSamplingMethod(self, method, **kwargs):
self.method = method

if method == METHOD_FFT:
self.Correlate = Sampling_FFT(self)

elif method == METHOD_DST:
self.Correlate = Sampling_DST(self)

elif method == METHOD_DCT:
self.Correlate = Sampling_DCT(self)

elif method == METHOD_NFFT:
self.Correlate = Sampling_NFFT(self)

elif method == METHOD_FFTW:
self.Correlate = Sampling_FFTW(self)

elif method == METHOD_VF_FFTW:
self.Correlate = Sampling_VF_FFTW(self)

elif method in (METHOD_H2, METHOD_H2_hlibpro, METHOD_H2_h2tools):
self.Correlate = Sampling_H2(self, **kwargs)

elif method in (METHOD_ODE,):
self.Correlate = Sampling_ODE(self, **kwargs)

elif method in (METHOD_RAT,):
self.Correlate = Sampling_Rational(self, **kwargs)

self.Correlate = Sampling_Rational_Rapid_Distortion_Wind_Blocking(self, **kwargs)

raise Exception('Unknown sampling method "{0}".'.format(method))

# Sample a realization

### Reseed pseudo-random number generator
def reseed(self, seed=None):
if seed is not None:

### Sample noise
def sample_noise(self, grid_shape=None):
if grid_shape is None:
noise = self.prng.normal(0, 1, self.ext_grid_shape)
noise = self.prng.normal(0, 1, grid_shape)
noise *= self.noise_std
return noise

### Sample GRF
def sample(self, noise=None):

if noise is None:
noise = self.sample_noise()

# noise *= self.noise_std

t0 = time()
field = self.Correlate(noise)
if self.verbose>=2: print('Convolution time: ', time() - t0)

return field

# Gaussian Random Vector Field generator class

class VectorGaussianRandomField(GaussianRandomField):

def __init__(self, vdim=3, **kwargs):

self.vdim = vdim
self.DomainSlice = tuple(list(self.DomainSlice) + [slice(None,None,None)])

### Sampling method
self.Correlate.DomainSlice = self.DomainSlice

# ### Sample noise
# def sample_noise(self, grid_shape=None):

# if grid_shape is None:
# noise = np.stack([self.prng.normal(0, 1, self.ext_grid_shape) for _ in range(self.vdim)], axis=-1)
# else:
# noise = np.stack([self.prng.normal(0, 1, grid_shape) for _ in range(self.vdim)], axis=-1)

# noise *= self.noise_std

# # noise = np.stack([self.prng.normal(0, 1, self.ext_grid_shape) for _ in range(self.vdim)], axis=-1)

# return noise

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