A Small cpp file that will start up the dotnet core runtime, load a cs dll, parse small data, and allow you to write a c# gmod module cross-platform
First create a dotnet core 3.0 project include the Module.cs and ModuleExportInterface.cs files in said project then, start writting code... do keep in mind a large amount of the files are for up comming things and have been ported directly from a work in progress repo called GSharp https://github.com/DuckyC/gm_dotnet/tree/master/GSharp.
Open up the Module.cpp file and fill in the top Directives: LoaderFriendlyName, Module_ASMFilename, Module_Namespace_Class, Module_Path the other directives can be edited for more customization on where to find the dotnet core runtimes on different builds. Compile the Module.cs file on windos for both 32bit & 64bit then on/for linux 64 bit (osx is unsupported because i dont have a mac). rename these files accordingly.
Win64bit gmsv_module_win64.dll
Win32bit gmsv_module_win32.dll
Lin64bit gmsv_module_linux64.dll
now create a folder to house the dotnet core runtime files and your module. you can customize how the core runtimes are found but the defult layout is such:
* 64 bit windows runtime files
* 32 bit windows runtime files
* 64 bit linux runtime files
* 32 bit linux runtime files (when they come out)
* 64 bit Mac OSx runtime files (when it gets implemented)
* 32 bit Mac OSx runtime files (when they come out)
once you have set that up your good to go, make sure that your module path is relative to the srcds_run binarys or the hl2.exe binary and that the Module_ASMFilename is the same case as your modules name (it is recomended to use all lowercase).
Cleaner Way to Import SourceSDK Librarys or other Known Librarys with different paths/names.
Wiki And function summary's, will happen but not now
Need to fill in Object Wrappers.