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Supports two main uses cases:

  • Creates and configures a single private S3 bucket for storing logs from various AWS services, which are nested as bucket prefixes. Logs will expire after a default of 90 days, with option to configure retention value.
  • Creates and configures a single private S3 bucket for a single AWS service. Logs will expire after a default of 90 days, with option to configure retention value.

Logging from the following services is supported for both cases as well as in AWS GovCloud:

Usage for a single log bucket storing logs from all services

# Allows all services to log to bucket
module "aws_logs" {
  source         = "trussworks/logs/aws"
  s3_bucket_name = "my-company-aws-logs"

Usage for a single log bucket storing logs from a single service (ELB in this case)

module "aws_logs" {
  source         = "trussworks/logs/aws"
  s3_bucket_name = "my-company-aws-logs-elb"
  default_allow  = false
  allow_elb      = true

Usage for a single log bucket storing logs from multiple specified services (ALB and ELB in this case)

module "aws_logs" {
  source         = "trussworks/logs/aws"
  s3_bucket_name = "my-company-aws-logs-lb"
  default_allow  = false
  allow_alb      = true
  allow_elb      = true

Usage for a single log bucket storing CloudTrail logs from multiple accounts

module "aws_logs" {
  source              = "trussworks/logs/aws"
  s3_bucket_name      = "my-company-aws-logs-cloudtrail"
  default_allow       = false
  allow_cloudtrail    = true
  cloudtrail_accounts = [data.aws_caller_identity.current.account_id,]

Usage for a single log bucket storing logs from multiple application load balancers (ALB) and network load balancers (NLB)

module "aws_logs" {
  source            = "trussworks/logs/aws"
  s3_bucket_name    = "my-company-aws-logs-lb"
      default_allow     = false
      allow_alb         = true
      allow_nlb         = true
      alb_logs_prefixes = [
      nlb_logs_prefixes = [


Name Version
terraform >= 1.0
aws >= 3.75.0


Name Version
aws >= 3.75.0


No modules.


Name Type
aws_s3_bucket.aws_logs resource
aws_s3_bucket_acl.aws_logs resource
aws_s3_bucket_lifecycle_configuration.aws_logs resource
aws_s3_bucket_logging.aws_logs resource
aws_s3_bucket_ownership_controls.aws_logs resource
aws_s3_bucket_policy.aws_logs resource
aws_s3_bucket_public_access_block.public_access_block resource
aws_s3_bucket_server_side_encryption_configuration.aws_logs resource
aws_s3_bucket_versioning.aws_logs resource
aws_caller_identity.current data source
aws_elb_service_account.main data source
aws_iam_policy_document.main data source
aws_partition.current data source
aws_region.current data source


Name Description Type Default Required
alb_account Account for ALB logs. By default limits to the current account. string "" no
alb_logs_prefixes S3 key prefixes for ALB logs. list(string) [ "alb" ] no
allow_alb Allow ALB service to log to bucket. bool false no
allow_cloudtrail Allow Cloudtrail service to log to bucket. bool false no
allow_cloudwatch Allow Cloudwatch service to export logs to bucket. bool false no
allow_config Allow Config service to log to bucket. bool false no
allow_elb Allow ELB service to log to bucket. bool false no
allow_nlb Allow NLB service to log to bucket. bool false no
allow_redshift Allow Redshift service to log to bucket. bool false no
allow_s3 Allow S3 service to log to bucket. bool false no
cloudtrail_accounts List of accounts for CloudTrail logs. By default limits to the current account. list(string) [] no
cloudtrail_logs_prefix S3 prefix for CloudTrail logs. string "cloudtrail" no
cloudtrail_org_id AWS Organization ID for CloudTrail. string "" no
cloudwatch_logs_prefix S3 prefix for CloudWatch log exports. string "cloudwatch" no
config_accounts List of accounts for Config logs. By default limits to the current account. list(string) [] no
config_logs_prefix S3 prefix for AWS Config logs. string "config" no
control_object_ownership Whether to manage S3 Bucket Ownership Controls on this bucket. bool true no
create_public_access_block Whether to create a public_access_block restricting public access to the bucket. bool true no
default_allow Whether all services included in this module should be allowed to write to the bucket by default. Alternatively select individual services. It's recommended to use the default bucket ACL of log-delivery-write. bool true no
elb_accounts List of accounts for ELB logs. By default limits to the current account. list(string) [] no
elb_logs_prefix S3 prefix for ELB logs. string "elb" no
enable_mfa_delete A bool that requires MFA to delete the log bucket. bool false no
enable_s3_log_bucket_lifecycle_rule Whether the lifecycle rule for the log bucket is enabled. bool true no
force_destroy A bool that indicates all objects (including any locked objects) should be deleted from the bucket so the bucket can be destroyed without error. bool false no
logging_target_bucket S3 Bucket to send S3 logs to. Disables logging if omitted. string "" no
logging_target_prefix Prefix for logs going into the log_s3_bucket. string "s3/" no
nlb_account Account for NLB logs. By default limits to the current account. string "" no
nlb_logs_prefixes S3 key prefixes for NLB logs. list(string) [ "nlb" ] no
noncurrent_version_retention Number of days to retain non-current versions of objects if versioning is enabled. string 30 no
object_ownership Object ownership. Valid values: BucketOwnerEnforced, BucketOwnerPreferred or ObjectWriter. string "BucketOwnerEnforced" no
redshift_logs_prefix S3 prefix for RedShift logs. string "redshift" no
s3_bucket_acl Set bucket ACL per AWS S3 Canned ACL list. string null no
s3_bucket_name S3 bucket to store AWS logs in. string n/a yes
s3_log_bucket_retention Number of days to keep AWS logs around. string 90 no
s3_logs_prefix S3 prefix for S3 access logs. string "s3" no
tags A mapping of tags to assign to the logs bucket. Please note that tags with a conflicting key will not override the original tag. map(string) {} no
versioning_status A string that indicates the versioning status for the log bucket. string "Disabled" no


Name Description
aws_logs_bucket ID of the S3 bucket containing AWS logs.
bucket_arn ARN of the S3 logs bucket
configs_logs_path S3 path for Config logs.
elb_logs_path S3 path for ELB logs.
redshift_logs_path S3 path for RedShift logs.
s3_bucket_policy S3 bucket policy

Upgrade Paths

Upgrading from 14.x.x to 15.x.x

Version 15.x.x updates the module to account for changes made by AWS in April 2023 to the default security settings of new S3 buckets.

Version 15.x.x of this module adds the following resource and variables. How to use the new variables will depend on your use case.

New resource:

  • aws_s3_bucket_ownership_controls.aws_logs

New variables:

  • allow_s3
  • control_object_ownership
  • object_ownership
  • s3_bucket_acl
  • s3_logs_prefix

Steps for updating existing buckets managed by this module:

  • Option 1: Disable ACLs. This module's default values for control_object_ownership, object_ownership, and s3_bucket_acl follow the new AWS recommended best practice. For a new S3 bucket, using those settings will disable S3 access control lists for the bucket and set object ownership to BucketOwnerEnforced. For an existing bucket that is used to store s3 server access logs, the bucket ACL permissions for the S3 log delivery group must be migrated to the bucket policy. The changes must be applied in multiple steps.

Step 1: Update the log bucket policy to grant s3:PutObject permission to the logging service principal (


  statement {
    sid    = "s3-logs-put-object"
    effect = "Allow"
    principals {
      type        = "Service"
      identifiers = [""]
    actions   = ["s3:PutObject"]

Step 2: Change s3_bucket_acl to private.

Step 3: Change object_ownership to BucketOwnerEnforced.

  • Option 2: Continue using ACLs. To continue using ACLs, set s3_bucket_acl to "log-delivery-write" and set object_ownership to ObjectWriter or BucketOwnerPreferred.

See Controlling ownership of objects and disabling ACLs for your bucket for further details and migration considerations.


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