Golio is a wrapper for the Riot API and the Data Dragon service. It is written purely in Go and provides idiomatic access to all API endpoints.
package main
import (
func main() {
client := golio.NewClient("API KEY",
golio.WithLogger(logrus.New().WithField("foo", "bar")))
summoner, _ := client.Riot.LoL.Summoner.GetByName("SK Jenax")
fmt.Printf("%s is a level %d summoner\n", summoner.Name, summoner.SummonerLevel)
champion, _ := client.DataDragon.GetChampion("Ashe")
mastery, err := client.Riot.LoL.ChampionMastery.Get(summoner.ID, champion.Key)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%s has not played any games on %s\n", summoner.Name, champion.Name)
} else {
fmt.Printf("%s has mastery level %d with %d points on %s\n", summoner.Name, mastery.ChampionLevel,
mastery.ChampionPoints, champion.Name)
challengers, _ := client.Riot.LoL.League.GetChallenger(lol.QueueRankedSolo)
rank1 := challengers.GetRank(0)
fmt.Printf("%s is the highest ranked player with %d league points\n", rank1.SummonerName, rank1.LeaguePoints)