**Using this visual studio code extension you can create, debug, run and publish DotNet core/standard applications in C#, VB & F# languages **
Project Templates -
- Console application
- Class library
- ASP.NET Core empty Web App
- ASP.NET Core Web App (Model-View-Controller)
- ASP.NET Core Web App (razor)
- ASP.NET Core with Angular
- ASP.NET Core with React.js
- ASP.NET Core with React.js and Redux
- ASP.NET Core Web API
Add Project/dll Reference
Remove Project/dll Reference
Publish Project -
Set Startup Project -
Clean Project/Solution
Build Project/Solution
Add/Remove Nuget Packages
- Visual Studio code 1.18 or higher
- .Net core SDK 2.0.3 or higher
You can install the DotNet Core Essentials from visual studio code Market Place.
Note: For debugging and running the dotnet projects install the C# extension