This program uses Face recognition to blur faces other than specific people in images or videos. Yolo v3 was used to detect faces in the input. I used yoloface model that was trained to detect face and used Face_recognition to recognition face. I used face_recognition from the coordinates of the face obtained through yolo to extract the feature value and compare the stored picture with the feature value. Then, if the difference is above a certain standard, it is classified as Unknown. And i blurred them using openCV. I used an opencv tracker in case I couldn't recognize a side face in the video. And I used a movie for voice processing.
- dlib
- Face_recognition
- Tensorflow
- opencv-python
- moviepy
- opencv-contrib-python
- Numpy
- imutils
- Keras
- Matplotlib
- Pillow
Web cam
$ python --video stream
$ python --video samples/Filename.mp4
$ python --image samples/Filename.jpg