Thread communication queues that group items/requests that occur close together in time.
Chunked queues allow grouping together items that may be too granular to process one-by-one. In the following example, the listening thread receives chunks of items by allowing the queue to settle for 2 ms.
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TMChunkedQueue
-- | delay in microseconds
millisecond :: Int
millisecond = 1000
main :: IO ()
main = do
queue <- newTMChunkedQueueIO
-- start listening thread
finished <- async $ (2 * millisecond) `settleAndPrint` queue
let enqueue = atomically . writeManyTMChunkedQueue queue
-- queue groups enqueues below
enqueue [1, 2]
enqueue [3, 4]
threadDelay millisecond
enqueue [5, 6]
-- longer delay so listening thread settles
threadDelay (4 * millisecond)
-- listening thread starts new group
enqueue [7, 8]
-- close queue and wait for child to finish
atomically $ closeTMChunkedQueue queue
wait finished
-- | repeatedly drain a queue with a settle period, and print the resulting
-- chunks
settleAndPrint :: Int -> TMChunkedQueue Int -> IO ()
settleAndPrint delay queue = go
where go = do
maybeItems <- drainAndSettleTMChunkedQueue delay queue
case maybeItems of
Nothing -> return () -- queue closed
Just items -> print (consumeQueue items) >> go
Which prints the following: