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Abstractions for working with WebCrypto in Browser and on Server

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...A Humble Attempt To Simplify WebCrypto


The library (as an instantiated class) exposes the following methods - simplified, opinionated versions of the real thing. All Async.:

  • HMAC (secret, data)
  • HASH (algorithm, data, length)
  • AESMakeKey (exportable = true)
  • AESImportKey (aes_key, exportable = true)
  • AESEncrypt (aes_key, base_64_data, base_64_nonce = false)
  • AESDecrypt (aes_key, base_64_nonce, base_64_cipher, returnText = false)
  • EcMakeCryptKeys (exportable = true)
  • EcEncrypt (privateKey, publicKey, b64data)
  • EcDecrypt (privateKey, publicKey, b64Nonce, b64data)
  • HKDFEncrypt (ecPrivateKey, ecPublicKey, b64data)
  • HKDFDecrypt (ecPrivate, ecPublic, b64Salt, b64iv, b64data)
  • EcMakeSigKeys (exportable = true)
  • EcSignData (PrivateKey, b64data)
  • EcVerifySig (PublicKey, b64Signature, b64data)
  • EcdhConvertKey (unknown_key)
  • EcdsaConvertKey (unknown_key)


Don't currently have an NPM repo set up (todo: set up NPM repo for this), but the library can be included as a dependency by adding it in your package.json file and running npm install --save.

  "dependencies": {
    "ezcrypto": "github:Keyri-Co/EZCrypto",