MeteorsStrike is an HTML5/JavaScript single player game where you have shoot down meteors and get the highest score !
Click here to check the Live Demo
This game was a project for a lesson at my University that I made back in the early of 2015 that i almost totally forgot about it :). It was a good & fun challenge to work with HTML5/Javascript so i can learn on how to create a fun to play & addictive game to play.
- Sounds & Effects
- Keyboard controls
- Change difficultly on each level
- Bosses will appear every 5 levels
- Max 3 lives
- Re-spawn protection so you don't die instantly
- Score keeping
- Contains a packed and minified version of the game files
When you enter the game you will have to type your name and click to Start Game
to begin playing !
Keyboard Controls:
Moving Keys:
'Up Arrow' or 'W' key
'Down Arrow' or 'S' key
'Left Arrow' or 'A' key
'Right Arrow' or 'D' key
Shoot Missiles Keys:
'Space' or 'F' key
Pause Game:
'P' key
Cinema Mode(Fullscreen):
'C' key
Mute/Unmute Sounds:
'M' key
Images & Sounds:
- I don't really remember where I got them but if I accidentally didn't respect someones copyright please email me so I can include you in the credits.