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Security: KEINOS/go-totp


Security Policy

At a minimum, the following measures apply:

  1. Unit testing with race condition check on various Go versions and platforms (via GitHub Actions).
  2. Static code analysis and lint check with golangci-lint (via GitHub Actions).
  3. Code scanning with CodeQL (via GitHub Actions).
  4. Dependabot alerts (via GitHub Security).
  5. Security advisories (via GitHub Security).
  6. Keeping the version of go.mod up-to-date only if the avove tests pass (via GitHub Actions).

Supported Versions and Statuses

Version/Section Status Note
Go 1.22 ... latest go1.22+ Including Go 1.22
Golangci-lint v1.57.2 or later golangci-lint
Security advisories Enabled
Dependabot alerts Enabled (Viewable only for admins)
Code scanning alerts Enabled

Note: Currently, Go 1.22 is the minimum supported version, which matches the minimum version of the dependent packages and linters. Depending on these versions, the minimum supported version may change in the future. Though, we encourage you to use the latest version of Go.


Reporting a Vulnerability, Bugs and etc

  • Issues
    • Opened Issues
    • Plase attach a simple test that replicates the issue. It will help us a lot to fix the issue.
    • Issues can be in Japanese and Spanish rather than English if you prefer.

There aren’t any published security advisories