Automate downgrading Archlinux packages to a specific date with pacman.
- Pacman
You can run this script from anywhere, but it can be easily installed to a system via the AUR.
To downgrade the entire system to a specific date in the past use:
pacdate 2023/11/26
Make sure you use YYYY/MM/DD format.
Add package names to the end of the command separated by spaces to only act on specific packages:
pacdate 2023/11/13 blender
- Currently gives errors when it encounters a package that does not exist in the archive repo (AUR packages)
- 1.1.0
- Cleaned up the code
- Reduced the number of times pacman will force sync the package database
- Added prompt for packages required by input packages
- Prevents updating the same package in a dependency loop
- 1.0.0
- Initial Release