Python package to handle litchi csv waypoints
from litchi_wp.waypoint import Waypoint
from litchi_wp.enums import ActionType, AltitudeMode
wp = Waypoint(lat=-21.360244, lon=-64.85657, alt=100) # minimal waypoint setup
wp.set_altitude(value=100, mode=AltitudeMode.AGL) # set altitude above ground
wp.set_speed_ms(value=0.1) # stop movement (0 sets cruise speed, so this is the best we can get)
wp.set_action(action_type=ActionType.TILT_CAMERA, param=-90) # action 1: tilt gimbal for nadir shot
wp.set_action(action_type=ActionType.STAY_FOR, param=1000) # action 2: wait 1 second to stabilize
wp.set_action(action_type=ActionType.TAKE_PHOTO) # action 3: take the photo
output = wp.get_header() # first line for the waypoint file needs to be the header
output += wp.to_line() # adds the waypoint to the output
print(output) # check the result
from litchi_wp.waypoint import Waypoint
filename = '/home/user/file.csv'
waypoints = Waypoint.from_file(filename)
Now waypoints contains a list of all the waypoint objects created from parsing the file