This package removes annoying boilerplate code that you will see you write yourself over and over again to create a pleasant cli-centered user interface.
For more information, check out the PyPi page
to install the newest version, use:
pip install JefvdA-python-clitools
Methods that are used most-often.
These include:
- clear() -> OS independant method to clear the terminal
- wait_for_enter() -> method to wair for user input before continuing, clears the screen after
- get_user_input() -> method to returns user input. This method formats the text printed for the input to add " >>> " after it. Example: "What is your name?", becomes, "What is your name? >>> "
The 'tools' module also consists of the "Menu" class, read more about that below.
A "Menu" class that makes it very easy to display a menu in the terminal, and have different results for all the options the user can choose from.
When initiating a new "Menu" object, make sure to pass it all the options, aswell as their corresponding fucntions.
menu_options = {
"Hello world": say_hello_world,
"Greet by name": ask_for_name,
"Get random number": get_random_number,
"Exit": exit
menu = Menu(menu_options)
When a "Menu" option is created, it can be displayed with the "show()" method.
This will only run the menu once, if you wish to keep displaying the menu. Wrap the "show" in a while loop + add an option to exit the program