Ionic 4 is a step forward for Progressive Web Apps.
This repository is part of an ionic 4 tutorial where you will learn what are Progressive Web Apps, why you should definitely consider them for your next project, and also how easy is to build a feature complete PWA with Ionic 4.
This post is part of the “Mastering Ionic 4” series which deep dives into Ionic 4 more advanced stuff. Don’t be afraid, if you are new to Ionic 4, I strongly recommend you to first read our introduction to ionic 4 previous tutorial.
Did you know that we recently released Ionic 4 Full Starter App? It's an ionic 4 template that you can use to jump start your Ionic app development and save yourself hundreds of hours of design and development.
It is also a PWA and has a score of 100 in lighthouse. Try it on your phone as a PWA to see the magic!
It also has lots of forms and validations examples.