The objective of this project was to complete the C code of a file management system. This system is built upon two components:
A server, handling commands sent by clients. This commands are related to file manipulation (e.g., adding a file, removing a file). The server stores files in a configurable directory (given as argument) of the disk.
A client, sending commands to the server. The client reads commands from an input file, or from the keyboard, and accordingly sends requests to the server.
Typical requests from a client to the server are: adding a file to the remote repository, removing a remote file, getting a remote file, listing available remote files, printing the first n lines of a remote file, and renaming a remote file.
To launch the program, you have to :
Clone the git repository by typing this command
git clone
. If you want to clone it in shh, use this command[email protected]:della1/basicos2024-team07.git
. -
Go to the main directory and type
in the command prompt to compile the code.(Type
make clean
was previously used.) -
Launch the server using
The server should print information on:A port: Let's call it p. An IP address: Let's call it a.
(Don't forget to provide arguments)
Launch the client using
a p [options]Options: -analyze: Execute commands from a file -interactive: Wait for input from the keyboard. -directory: Specify a directory for client-side files.
Total packet size must not exceed 2048 bytes, including the header.
The Limit for the data size is 1978 bytes
put filename
to copy a local file to the Eurecom Drive. This function takes the name of the file as input and returns either 0 (success) or an error code. -
rm filename
to remove a remote file from the Eurecom Drive. This function takes the name of the file as input and retruns either 0 (success) or an error code. -
get filename localfilename
to copy a remote file to the local file system. This function takes the name of the file and the the name of the copied file and returns either 0 (success) or an error code. -
to list all the files remotely stored in the Eurecom Drive. This function returns the files or an error code. -
cat filename n
to print the first n lines of a file. This function takes the name of the file as input and returns the first n lines or an error code. -
mv originfilename destinationfilename
to rename a remote file. This function takes the name of the file as input and returns either 0 (success) or an error code. -
to exit. -
to reset the connection. -
to have the description of the available commands.
We've implemented a packet structure that simplifies code accessibility.
typedef struct {
char E; // 1 byte
char D; // 1 byte
char r; // 1 byte
uint16_t data_size; // 2 byte
int8_t code; // 1 byte
char option1[32]; // 32 bytes
char option2[32]; // 32 bytes
char * data_ptr;
} Packet ;
Each packet begins with E, D and r so we can recognise the packet.
Then we implemented methods that use the packet structure.
The function string_to_packet(char * string, Packet * packet)
converts a string argument to a struct packet given.
The function packet_to_string(Packet * packet, char * string)
converts a packet given in a string format.
Packet Format (Header + Data) as defined for the project:
| 'E' | 'D' | 'r' | data size (2 bytes)
| command/error (1 byte)|
| option1 (32 bytes) | option2 (32 bytes)
| data (0 to 1978 bytes)|
- The first three bytes are fixed: 'E', 'D', and 'r'.
- Data size (2 bytes): Represents the size of the data field in the packet.
- Command/Error (1 byte): Stores the command type or error code.
- Option1 (32 bytes): Stores a string (e.g., filename or other metadata).
- Option2 (32 bytes): Stores a second string (or additional metadata).
- Data (0 to 1978 bytes): Contains raw data if the command requires it (e.g., file contents). This field is optional.
Total packet size must not exceed 2048 bytes, including the header.
Origin | Code | Value |
GROUP | 8 | Command byte for "restart" |
GROUP | 7 | Command byte for "quit" or "exit" |
PROF | 6 | Listing remote files |
PROF | 5 | Getting a remote file |
PROF | 4 | Removing a remote file |
PROF | 3 | Renaming a remote file |
PROF | 2 | Adding a remote file |
PROF | 1 | Printing n lines of a file |
GROUP | 0 | Success |
Origin | Code | Value |
PROF | -1 | Bad packet format |
PROF | -2 | File not found |
PROF | -3 | File already exists |
PROF | -4 | Command fails (for other server-side failures) |
PROF | -5 | Quota exceeded |
PROF | -6 | Syntax error in command line |
PROF | -7 | Bad response form server |
PROF | -8 | Connection closed |
GROUP | -9 | Can't read file |
Server and client use a global variable to indicate the directory in which they work.
$ ./bin/EDclient/client <ip-adress> <port> -directory <directory> -interactive -analyse
Replace <ip-adress> by the IP adress, <port> by the port and <directory> by the directory.
The client wants to print 3 lines of the file :
$ git clone [email protected]:della1/basicos2024-team07.git
$ cd basicos2024-team07.git && make
$ ./bin/EDserver/server [options] #gives us ip adress and port
$ ./bin/EDclient/client 443 -directory directory -interactive -analyse file.txt
$ cat MyFile.txt 3
The string of the first 3 lines of MyFile.txt is converted into a packet format.
The packet is then converted into a 2048 byte packet string starting with E, D, r, then converted into 0's and 1's and sent to the server.
The server converts the 0s and 1s into a “packet string”, then into a packet and analyzes it. It then sends the first 3 lines with the same process back to the client, who will see :
First line
Second line
Third line
The program analyzes the command-line parameters by iterating through the arguments and checking for specific options:
If both -analyze and -interactive are provided, the program first processes the file specified by -analyze, then switches to interactive mode.
The program also ensures options are not repeated, and required arguments are provided.
Here’s the relevant block of the code:
for (int i = 3; i < argc; i++) {
// argv[1] and argv[2] are the ip adress and port number respectvely
if (strcmp(argv[i], "-analyze") == 0) {
if (analyze_flag || i + 1 >= argc) {
// Invalid or missing file
fprintf(stderr, "Error: Invalid or duplicate -analyze option\n");
analyze_flag = 1;
strncpy(analyze_file, argv[++i], sizeof(analyze_file) - 1);
else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-interactive") == 0) {
if (interactive_flag) {
// Duplicate -interactive
fprintf(stderr, "Error: Duplicate -interactive option\n");
interactive_flag = 1;
else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-directory") == 0) {
// Invalid or duplicate directory
if (directory[0] || i + 1 >= argc) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error: Invalid or duplicate -directory option\n");
force_client_directory_format(); // Ensure directory ends with '/'
1. Open the file specified by -analyze.
2. Read its contents line by line.
3. Convert each line into a packet string.
4. Send the command, wait for the response, and repeat.
if (analyze_flag) {
// Default directory
FILE *file = fopen(cats(CLIENT_DIRECTORY, analyze_file), "r");
if (file == NULL) {
printf("Error opening file");
char line[256];
while (fgets(line, 255, file)) {
char cmd_to_packet_string[MAX_PACKET_SIZE];
int error_code = convert_cmd_string_to_packet_string(line, cmd_to_packet_string, channel);
if (error_code == CMD_QUIT) {
printf("Quitting Client");
return CMD_QUIT;
if (error_code == CMD_RESTART) {
printf("Restarting Client");
int res = send_pkt(cmd_to_packet_string, channel);
if (res != SUCCESS) {
return res;
1. Continuously prompt the user for commands.
2. Read each command from the user.
3. Convert the command into a packet.
4. Send the packet and wait for a response.
5. Handle special commands like quit,exit or restart.
if (interactive_flag) {
while (1) {
char cmdline[256];
// Get the command from user
printf("> ");
if (!fgets(cmdline, 128, stdin)) {
printf("Cannot read command line\n");
char cmd_to_packet_string[MAX_PACKET_SIZE];
int error_code = convert_cmd_string_to_packet_string(cmdline, cmd_to_packet_string, channel);
if (error_code == CMD_QUIT) {
printf("Quitting Client\n");
return CMD_QUIT;
if (error_code == CMD_RESTART) {
printf("Restarting Client\n");
if (error_code == SUCCESS) {
int res = send_pkt(cmd_to_packet_string, channel);
if (res != SUCCESS) return res;
// Wait for a response
Here we defined the functions linked to the student_server function.
Some of them will return a list of Packets, in which we store each packet needed to transmit the whole data.
Packet **f_print_n_lines(Packet* in, char directory[]);
Packet *add_remote_file(Packet* in, char directory[]);
Packet * renamefile(Packet* in, char directory[]);
Packet * removefile(Packet* in, char directory[]);
Packet **fetch(Packet* in, char directory[]);
Packet **list_files(Packet* in, char destination[]);
Here is a summary of the student_server packet Handling :
void student_server() {
// Step 1 : Parse command-line arguments, figuring out which mode to activate (analyze, interactive) and the parameters
// Step 2 : infinite loop -> to receive packets
while (true) {
- Made the structure packet and the functions related to it, such as functions to convert from a string to a packet format and a packet to a string format
- Updated Makefile in order to compile new files included and to link them with the other files of the repository
- Worked mainly on the server side and client side functions
- Handled the connections between server and client side
- Overall files management
- Created most of the initial functions server-side.
- Created the test files.
- Fixed the last bugs remaining on the last few hours of work.
- Improved the interactive UI.
- Created the client-side functions that receive answers from the server.
- Implemented Command-line Analysis and Mode Activation
- Implemented the interactive mode
- Adapted the recv_pkt and send_pkt functions
- Explained Client approach on report along with some additions and corrections
- General debugging on client Side
- Implemented functions to transform the instructions of the user into packet format
- Worked on the analyse mode until it was fixed
- Managed and documented the error and command codes
- Added docstrings to functions
- Wrote the report
Our test files are in ./utests