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Folders and files

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General overview

The objective of this project was to complete the C code of a file management system. This system is built upon two components:

  • A server, handling commands sent by clients. This commands are related to file manipulation (e.g., adding a file, removing a file). The server stores files in a configurable directory (given as argument) of the disk.

  • A client, sending commands to the server. The client reads commands from an input file, or from the keyboard, and accordingly sends requests to the server.

Typical requests from a client to the server are: adding a file to the remote repository, removing a remote file, getting a remote file, listing available remote files, printing the first n lines of a remote file, and renaming a remote file.

Table of Contents

  1. How to launch the program
  2. Implementation choices
    1. Functions
    2. Packet Structure
    3. Packet String Structure
    4. Command and Error Codes
    5. Server & Client Directory
    6. Example of communication between client and server
  3. Global approch
    1. Client Side
    2. Server Side
  4. Individual Work
  5. Tests

How to launch the program

To launch the program, you have to :

  1. Clone the git repository by typing this command git clone If you want to clone it in shh, use this command [email protected]:della1/basicos2024-team07.git.

  2. Go to the main directory and type make in the command prompt to compile the code.

    (Type make clean before make if make was previously used.)

  3. Launch the server using ./bin/EDserver/server The server should print information on:

     A port: Let's call it p.
     An IP address: Let's call it a.

(Don't forget to provide arguments)

  1. Launch the client using ./bin/EDclient/client a p [options]

     -analyze: Execute commands from a file
     -interactive: Wait for input from the keyboard.
     -directory: Specify a directory for client-side files.

Implementation choices


Total packet size must not exceed 2048 bytes, including the header.

The Limit for the data size is 1978 bytes

  • Use put filename to copy a local file to the Eurecom Drive. This function takes the name of the file as input and returns either 0 (success) or an error code.

  • Use rm filename to remove a remote file from the Eurecom Drive. This function takes the name of the file as input and retruns either 0 (success) or an error code.

  • Use get filename localfilename to copy a remote file to the local file system. This function takes the name of the file and the the name of the copied file and returns either 0 (success) or an error code.

  • Use ls to list all the files remotely stored in the Eurecom Drive. This function returns the files or an error code.

  • Use cat filename n to print the first n lines of a file. This function takes the name of the file as input and returns the first n lines or an error code.

  • Use mv originfilename destinationfilename to rename a remote file. This function takes the name of the file as input and returns either 0 (success) or an error code.

  • Use quit or exit to exit.

  • Use restart to reset the connection.

  • Use help to have the description of the available commands.

Packet Structure

We've implemented a packet structure that simplifies code accessibility.

typedef struct  {
	char E;              // 1 byte
	char D;              // 1 byte
	char r;              // 1 byte
	uint16_t data_size;  // 2 byte
	int8_t code;         // 1 byte
	char option1[32];    // 32 bytes
	char option2[32];    // 32 bytes
	char * data_ptr;
} Packet ;

Each packet begins with E, D and r so we can recognise the packet.

Then we implemented methods that use the packet structure.

The function string_to_packet(char * string, Packet * packet) converts a string argument to a struct packet given.

The function packet_to_string(Packet * packet, char * string) converts a packet given in a string format.

Packet String Structure

Packet Format (Header + Data) as defined for the project:

| 'E' | 'D' | 'r' | data size (2 bytes)
| command/error (1 byte)|
| option1 (32 bytes) | option2 (32 bytes)
| data (0 to 1978 bytes)|


  • The first three bytes are fixed: 'E', 'D', and 'r'.
  • Data size (2 bytes): Represents the size of the data field in the packet.
  • Command/Error (1 byte): Stores the command type or error code.
  • Option1 (32 bytes): Stores a string (e.g., filename or other metadata).
  • Option2 (32 bytes): Stores a second string (or additional metadata).
  • Data (0 to 1978 bytes): Contains raw data if the command requires it (e.g., file contents). This field is optional.

Total packet size must not exceed 2048 bytes, including the header.

Command and Error Codes

Command Function Codes

Origin Code Value
GROUP 8 Command byte for "restart"
GROUP 7 Command byte for "quit" or "exit"
PROF 6 Listing remote files
PROF 5 Getting a remote file
PROF 4 Removing a remote file
PROF 3 Renaming a remote file
PROF 2 Adding a remote file
PROF 1 Printing n lines of a file
GROUP 0 Success

Error Handling

Origin Code Value
PROF -1 Bad packet format
PROF -2 File not found
PROF -3 File already exists
PROF -4 Command fails (for other server-side failures)
PROF -5 Quota exceeded
PROF -6 Syntax error in command line
PROF -7 Bad response form server
PROF -8 Connection closed
GROUP -9 Can't read file

Server & Client Directory

Server and client use a global variable to indicate the directory in which they work.

$ ./bin/EDclient/client <ip-adress> <port> -directory <directory> -interactive -analyse

Replace <ip-adress> by the IP adress, <port> by the port and <directory> by the directory.

Example of communication between client and server

The client wants to print 3 lines of the file :

$ git clone [email protected]:della1/basicos2024-team07.git
$ cd basicos2024-team07.git && make
$ ./bin/EDserver/server [options] #gives us ip adress and port
$ ./bin/EDclient/client 443 -directory directory -interactive -analyse file.txt
$ cat MyFile.txt 3

The string of the first 3 lines of MyFile.txt is converted into a packet format.

The packet is then converted into a 2048 byte packet string starting with E, D, r, then converted into 0's and 1's and sent to the server.

The server converts the 0s and 1s into a “packet string”, then into a packet and analyzes it. It then sends the first 3 lines with the same process back to the client, who will see :

First line
Second line
Third line

Global Approach

Client Side

1. Parameter Analysis and Mode Activation

The program analyzes the command-line parameters by iterating through the arguments and checking for specific options:

If both -analyze and -interactive are provided, the program first processes the file specified by -analyze, then switches to interactive mode.

The program also ensures options are not repeated, and required arguments are provided.

Here’s the relevant block of the code:

for (int i = 3; i < argc; i++) {
	// argv[1] and argv[2] are the ip adress and port number respectvely
	if (strcmp(argv[i], "-analyze") == 0) {
		if (analyze_flag || i + 1 >= argc) {
			// Invalid or missing file
			fprintf(stderr, "Error: Invalid or duplicate -analyze option\n");
			return SYNTAX_ERROR;
		analyze_flag = 1;
		strncpy(analyze_file, argv[++i], sizeof(analyze_file) - 1);
	else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-interactive") == 0) {
		if (interactive_flag) {
			// Duplicate -interactive
			fprintf(stderr, "Error: Duplicate -interactive option\n");
			return SYNTAX_ERROR;
		interactive_flag = 1;
	else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-directory") == 0) {
		// Invalid or duplicate directory
		if (directory[0] || i + 1 >= argc) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Error: Invalid or duplicate -directory option\n");
			return SYNTAX_ERROR;
		force_client_directory_format(); // Ensure directory ends with '/'

2. Handling Analyze Mode

1.	Open the file specified by -analyze.
2.	Read its contents line by line.
3.	Convert each line into a packet string.
4.	Send the command, wait for the response, and repeat.
if (analyze_flag) {
	// Default directory

    FILE *file = fopen(cats(CLIENT_DIRECTORY, analyze_file), "r");
    if (file == NULL) {
        printf("Error opening file");
        return FILE_NOT_FOUND;

    char line[256];
    while (fgets(line, 255, file)) {
        char cmd_to_packet_string[MAX_PACKET_SIZE];
        int error_code = convert_cmd_string_to_packet_string(line, cmd_to_packet_string, channel);

        if (error_code == CMD_QUIT) {
            printf("Quitting Client");
            return CMD_QUIT;
        if (error_code == CMD_RESTART) {
            printf("Restarting Client");
            return CMD_RESTART;

        int res = send_pkt(cmd_to_packet_string, channel);
        if (res != SUCCESS) {
            return res;

3. Handling Interactive Mode

1.	Continuously prompt the user for commands.
2.	Read each command from the user.
3.	Convert the command into a packet.
4.	Send the packet and wait for a response.
5.	Handle special commands like quit,exit or restart.
if (interactive_flag) {
    while (1) {
        char cmdline[256];

        // Get the command from user
        printf("> ");
        if (!fgets(cmdline, 128, stdin)) {
            printf("Cannot read command line\n");
            return CANNOT_READ;

        char cmd_to_packet_string[MAX_PACKET_SIZE];
        int error_code = convert_cmd_string_to_packet_string(cmdline, cmd_to_packet_string, channel);

        if (error_code == CMD_QUIT) {
            printf("Quitting Client\n");
            return CMD_QUIT;

        if (error_code == CMD_RESTART) {
            printf("Restarting Client\n");
            return CMD_RESTART;

        if (error_code == SUCCESS) {
            int res = send_pkt(cmd_to_packet_string, channel);
            if (res != SUCCESS) return res;

        // Wait for a response

Server Side

Here we defined the functions linked to the student_server function.

Some of them will return a list of Packets, in which we store each packet needed to transmit the whole data.

Packet **f_print_n_lines(Packet* in, char directory[]);

Packet *add_remote_file(Packet* in, char directory[]);

Packet * renamefile(Packet* in, char directory[]);

Packet * removefile(Packet* in, char directory[]);

Packet **fetch(Packet* in, char directory[]);

Packet **list_files(Packet* in, char destination[]);

Here is a summary of the student_server packet Handling :

void student_server() {

     // Step 1 : Parse command-line arguments, figuring out which mode to activate (analyze, interactive) and the parameters

     // Step 2 : infinite loop -> to receive packets
     while (true) {
        // GET THE PACKET


Individual Work

Server Side Members :

Romain Della Rocca

  • Made the structure packet and the functions related to it, such as functions to convert from a string to a packet format and a packet to a string format
  • Updated Makefile in order to compile new files included and to link them with the other files of the repository
  • Worked mainly on the server side and client side functions
  • Handled the connections between server and client side
  • Overall files management

Clemente Paredes Vigneaux

  • Created most of the initial functions server-side.
  • Created the test files.
  • Fixed the last bugs remaining on the last few hours of work.
  • Improved the interactive UI.
  • Created the client-side functions that receive answers from the server.

Client Side Members :

Jacem Haggui

  • Implemented Command-line Analysis and Mode Activation
  • Implemented the interactive mode
  • Adapted the recv_pkt and send_pkt functions
  • Explained Client approach on report along with some additions and corrections
  • General debugging on client Side

Clara Mougeot

  • Implemented functions to transform the instructions of the user into packet format
  • Worked on the analyse mode until it was fixed
  • Managed and documented the error and command codes
  • Added docstrings to functions
  • Wrote the report


Our test files are in ./utests


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