This is a programming langauage that makes it extremely straightforward to program mathamatical expressions.
lerp(A, B, T) => A + T * (B - A)
display(lerp(0, 50, 100))
(5 * 60)^3 -> X
99 -> Y
XY -> Z
3.14159 -> pi
pi * 2 -> tau
... display alt character function
dac(120) ... '120' is the alt-code for 'x'
... displays 'x' to the console
If Patterns
... returns X if X > Y, else returns Y
max(X, Y) => X > Y: X; Y
max(-5, 70) -> A
7 * (5 > A: 1; 2) -> B
Markers and goto()
$0 ... marker
I + 1 -> I ... increment I
I < 10: goto(0) ... loops 10 times
Complex Functions
degtorad(X) => X * (pi / 180)
sin(X) => degtorad(X) - (degtorad(X)^3 / 3!) + (degtorad(X)^5 / 5!) - (degtorad(X)^7 / 7!)
cos(X) => 1 - (sin(X)^2)
tan(X) => sin(X) / cos(X)
ln(X) => 2 * ((X-1) / (X+1) + (1/3) * ((X-1)/(X+1))^3 + (1/5) * ((X-1)/(X+1))^5 + (1/7) * ((X-1)/(X+1))^7 + (1/9) * ((X-1)/(X+1))^9)
log(X) => ln(X) / ln(10)
{ 5, 6, sin(7), X } -> W
display(W_1) ... displays first index of set W '5'