This component contains all the code of the audio analyis and detection.
The data set can be found here:
- UrbanSound8K - The dataset
It is important to download these files and put them inside a folder called audio within the root of this project. This will leave you with ./audio/fold1, ./audio/fold2, .... ./audio/fold10, this will contain the audio files to run the project on.
Make sure the python virtual environment is set to the root of this project. Then navigate to ./code/runners/ and execute the main method, this will run the code on the model.
These are the projects dependencies which need to be installed
Dependency | Description |
Numpy | NumPy is the fundamental package for scientific computing in Python |
Pandas | Library for data manipulation and analysis |
Matplotlib | Data visualization tool |
Librosa | Python package for audio analysis |
Scipy | A free and open-source Python library used for scientific computing and technical computing |
SkLearn | Scikit-learn (formerly scikits. learn and also known as sklearn) is a free software machine learning library for the Python programming languag |
Keras | Keras is a Python Deep Learning library. |
Soundfile | A python library for manipulation of audio files |
WavInfoReader | A python library for reading .wav files |