command yarn
or npm install
before run server
Run 2 server
cd frontend
commandyarn start
ornpm start
for run backend
commandyarn start
ornpm start
for run express.
Don't use master
to do your task. Create your branch with your name and your task like git checkout -b <name>-<your task>
ex. git checkout -b jack-create-app
then, it will chang to your branch.
- frontend
- /src/api -> api for get data from backend
- /src/component -> Component file
- /src/css -> css
- /src/views -> pages
- backend
- /public -> css
- /routes -> routes
- /views -> html file (Maybe use)
- /spec -> Test
- /models -> Schema
Dump database for see products by command mongorestore --collection products --db otopaholicDBTest <Project directory>/dump/otopaholicDBTest/products.bson
cd backend
commandyarn test
for run test- name the test files as
in folder tests
cd frontend
commandyarn test
for run test- name the test files as
in the same folder of component that want to test
cd frontend
commandyarn testcafe
for run testcafe