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Guidelines for sharing Jupyter notebooks

Rick Lupton edited this page Apr 17, 2018 · 1 revision

Jupyter notebooks are a way of sharing code with inline documentation. These are guidelines for how to share Jupyter notebooks as supporting information for papers.

Share both human-readable and executable versions

A Jupyter notebook is a JSON format which is not human-readable without having Python and Jupyter installed. So two versions of the notebook should be made available:

  1. The original, executable notebook (.ipynb file)
  2. A human readable version of the notebook (PDF or HTML)

The human readable version could be exported from Jupyter and saved as a static file. Services such as nbviewer can also be used.

Example in a published article: link to notebook on nbviewer in footnote #2: article | on nbviewer

Archiving code

  • Zenodo can archive code from GitHub automatically and give you a DOI. Backed by CERN.

Run Jupyter notebooks online without needing to install

myBinder lets you run Jupyter notebooks stored in a GitHub repository online in the browser without having to install anything.

Example: floWeaver has a link to the quickstart tutorial on the front page, letting you quickly have a go and try the project.

This isn't directly from a paper but you could do the same thing there by including a link in the paper.