--confid (-c) : configuration file to run an experiment (it will be edited automatically by the framework)
--proto (-c) : used to train a model at PROTO level on the specified transport-level protocol (choices={TCP, UDP})
--finter (-f) : enables filtering based on app (a), activity (t) and on both (m) (choiches={a, t, m})
--output (-o) : used to set the folder path to store the final results
--finter (-f) : used to filter traffic based on app, activity, and both of them. If a is passed, it will train a model on the specified APP traffic only (APP-level model). If t is passed, it will train a model on the traffic of the specified ACTIVITY only. If m is passed, it will train a model only on traffic of the specified APP-ACTIVITY combination. This parameter could be used in combination with the app parameter (the next one)
--app (-a) : used to specify the label that should be used to filter traffic, according to the filtering-level. It has to be used only when finter is used
--window (-w) : used to set the window (memory) size (i.e., the number of packets used by the model to provide the predictions)
--gpu-id (-g) : used to pass the ID of the GPU which must be used to run the experiments
--sensitivity (-s) : enables the sensitivity analysis on the window size
--validation (-v) : allows the use of a validation-set to perform training (i.e., early-stopping based on validation-loss, otherwise training-loss is used)
--model (-m) : used to specify the Deep Learning architecture. choice={CNN, LSTM, GRU, SERIES_NET}
--sampling (-S) : enables the subsempling of the entire dataset (if used it uses the 10% of the dataset)
python3 run_multiple_experiments_1step.py -c ./config_base.ini -e ./Experiments/ -o ./Experiments/FinalResults/ -v -m CNN -w 10
This work is supported by the “ADDITIONAL” Project funded by Vietsch Foundation