- Windows/Linux/macOS
- PHP 7.x
- Apache 2.x
- Mysql 5.6+
- Any web browser
- Clone the project to your local machine to desired folder. If you work under Linux you should clone project to /var/www/<desired_folder_name>.
e.g. `$ git clone https://github.com/IVoyt/test_v-jet_blog.git /var/www/test_blog`
Create Virtualhost in your Apache Webserver, e.g. "test-blog.local". Specify "<path_to_project>/public/index.php" as entry point (DocumentRoot).
Create database in your Mysql Server.
Import database's structure from test_vjet_blog__blank.sql (only structure) or test_vjet_blog__2019-11-09.sql (structure and example data) to your Mysql Server using PHPMyAdmin or any another Mysql Client.
Edit <path_to_project>/config/db.php according to your Mysql settings.
Open your Web browser and type in address bar your sites url. Press Enter.