A quick STool I made (by request of Karbine) that allows you to turn a selection of entities into a ready-made hologram script for expression2.
You can find the tool under the wire "Tools" category.
- Supports visclip (must be the workshop version uploaded by Wrex)
- Supports bodygroups and skins
- Copy output to clipboard
- Open output in a new tab in the e2 editor
- Look at a prop and click to add it to (or remove it from) the selection
- Look at a prop (this prop will become the center of the contraption) and right click to output
- In the output code, you can change the scale of the entire contraption at the top
- If you wish to edit holograms after they have spawned, you must put the code in the "InitPostSpawn" block at the bottom, like so:
elseif (CoreStatus == "InitPostSpawn") {
CoreStatus = "RunThisCode"
holoScale(10, vec(25, 25, 25))
- If you wish to manipulate holograms in real time, you must put the code in the "RunThisCode" block at the bottom, like so:
elseif (CoreStatus == "RunThisCode") {
# You can use tickClk or clk here, just be sure to set your timers up in the InitPostSpawn block
holoPos(1, holoEntity(1):pos() + vec(10, 0, 0))
holoAng(1, ang(curtime()*100, 0, 0))