- The goal is to immitate conveyor belt and to detect , track , classify , perform OCR and extract entities on ecommerce products moving on a conveyor belt
- Click on the following image for the video
The Smart Vision System leverages AWS cloud infrastructure and machine learning models to provide real-time video processing, image classification, object detection, object tracking, OCR, and entity extraction. The system is designed to securely stream video from a conveyor belt, analyze the footage for key insights, and display the results to operators through an intuitive dashboard.
- Video streams from an on-premises camera monitoring a conveyor belt are securely transmitted to the cloud via a VPN gateway.
- Backend services running on EC2 instances (FastAPI) handle video processing.
- Machine learning algorithms such as YOLOv11, MobileNetV2, Llama3.2-11B-vision, and DeepSort are used for object detection, classification, OCR, object tracking, and entity extraction.
- Processed images are stored in S3 buckets.
- Structured data such as object tracking logs and entities are stored in DynamoDB.
- AWS CloudWatch is used to log system metrics and ensure smooth operation.
- Operators interact with the processed data and video streams through a ReactJS frontend hosted on AWS Amplify.
- AWS VPC, EC2 instances, S3 buckets, DynamoDB, AWS Bedrock, AWS Sagemaker, AWS Amplify
- FastAPI for processing video and managing backend services (Server-Sent Events for real-time processing).
- ReactJS for the operator dashboard, hosted using AWS Amplify.
- Camera: High-definition camera mounted on the conveyor belt to capture real-time footage.
- Compute Power: EC2 instance and AWS Sagemaker GPU support (e.g., p3.2xlarge) for real-time video processing.
- S3 Buckets for image storage and long-term archival.
- DynamoDB for storing logs and processed data entries.
- YOLOv11: Used for object detection to identify items on the conveyor belt.
- MobileNetV2: Used for classification tasks, such as determining object freshness or quality.
- DeepSort: Used for object tracking to precisely track the objects on the conveyor belt without duplicate entries.
- Llama3.2-11b-vision: Used for OCR and entity extraction from the detected objects.
- Imitated conveyor belt and manually collected data for object detection.
- Used the Kaggle Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Dataset for classification:
- Manually annotated data for object detection using Roboflow Annotator.
- Kaggle P100 GPU was used for training and fine-tuning the models used in the system.
- Transfer Learning: Pre-trained models (e.g., MobileNetV2 and YOLOv11) were fine-tuned with the custom dataset.
- A simulation of the system demonstrates how the camera captures real-time footage, how the backend processes the video, and how the operator dashboard displays the results.
├── client/ # React frontend application
│ ├── favicon.svg # Website favicon
│ ├── index.html # Entry HTML file
│ ├── postcss.config.js # PostCSS configuration for Tailwind
│ ├── public/ # Public assets directory
│ │ └── vite.svg # Vite logo
│ ├── src/ # Source code directory
│ │ ├── App.css # Main application styles
│ │ ├── App.jsx # Root application component
│ │ ├── assets/ # Static assets
│ │ ├── components/ # Reusable UI components
│ │ │ ├── Button/ # Button component
│ │ │ ├── ImageView/ # Image viewing component
│ │ │ ├── ProductCard/ # Product display component
│ │ │ └── VideoPlayer/ # Video playback component
│ │ ├── context/ # React context providers
│ │ │ └── AuthContext.jsx # Authentication context
│ │ ├── hooks/ # Custom React hooks
│ │ │ ├── hooks.jsx # General purpose hooks
│ │ │ └── useFetch.jsx # Data fetching hook
│ │ ├── pages/ # Application pages
│ │ │ ├── HomePage/ # Home page component
│ │ │ └── Login/ # Login page component
│ │ └── utils/ # Utility functions
│ │ └── baseApi.jsx # API configuration
│ ├── tailwind.config.js # Tailwind CSS configuration
│ └── vite.config.js # Vite bundler configuration
├── server/ # FastAPI backend
│ ├── controllers/ # Core logic handlers (ML, Video Stream and Other utilities)
│ │ ├── auth.py # Authentication controller
│ │ ├── entity_extraction.py # Entity extraction logic
│ │ ├── freshness_classfier.py # Freshness classification
│ │ ├── user_controller.py # User management
│ │ ├── utils.py # Utility functions
│ │ └── video_stream.py # Video streaming handler (Object Detection and Tracking)
│ ├── database/ # Database related files
│ │ ├── create_db.py # Database initialization
│ │ ├── database.py # Database configuration
│ │ ├── models/ # Database models
│ │ │ └── userModel.py # User model definition
│ │ └── schemas.py # Pydantic schemas
│ ├── main.py # FastAPI application entry
│ └── routes/ # API routes
│ ├── streamRoutes.py # Video Streaming and Processing Endpoints
│ └── userRoutes.py # User-related endpoints
├── Data/ # Dataset storage
│ ├── clean_sdf_2400.csv # Cleaned dataset
│ ├── front.webp # Front image asset
│ ├── home_sdf_marketing_sample.csv # Marketing data
│ └── Video/ # Video dataset directory(contains training andf testing Videos)
├── Notebooks/ # Jupyter notebooks (ML EDA , Training and Testing Notebooks)
│ ├── 01_EDA_OCR.ipynb # Exploratory Data Analysis and GOT OCR2.0 testing
│ ├── 02b_Yolov11_Object_Detection_Inference.ipynb # Inference notebook (for Yolov11 trained model on video )
│ ├── 02_YoloV11_ObjectDetection.ipynb # Training notebook - Yolov11 (MAP50 -98.7 %)
│ ├── 03-freshness-classifier-model.ipynb # Training Notebook - MobileNetv2 (Accuracy -98 %)
│ ├── 04_Architecture_Diagram.ipynb # System architecture
│ ├── Models/ # Trained model files
│ │ ├── mobilenetv2_freshness_classifier.pth # Freshness classifier model
│ │ ├── yolov11m_30ep.pt
│ │ ├── yolov11m_50epv1.pt
│ │ ├── yolov11m_50epv2.pt
│ │ ├── yolov11m_50epv3.pt # Final Model for Object Detection
│ │ └── yolov11n_v1.pt
│ └── runs/ # Training runs output
├── PyScripts/ # Utility Python scripts to Test Models and other utility functions in runtime
│ ├── analyze_freshness.py # Freshness analysis script
│ ├── analyz_multiple_images.py # Batch image analysis
│ ├── avi2mp4.py # Video format converter
│ ├── batch_process_detection_tracking.py # Batch processing for detection and tracking
│ ├── detection_ocr.py # OCR implementation
│ ├── download_youtube_video.py # Video downloader
│ ├── freshenss_script.py # Freshness checking
│ ├── freshness_classifier.py # Classifier implementation
│ ├── save_img_objs.py # Image object saver along with detection and tracking
│ ├── save_imgs_without_blur.py # Image processing
│ ├── test_ocr.py # OCR testing
│ ├── verify_cuda.py # CUDA verification
│ └── yolo_obj_trackiing.py # YOLO tracking test
├── Results/ # Output directory
│ └── Cropped_Images/ # Processed images
├── Submission/ # Project submission
│ ├── TeamSentinels_Submission.pptx # Presentation
│ └── TeamSentinelSubmission.pdf # Documentation
└── requirements.txt # Python dependencies