Integrate Vim or Neovim into KDE with this plugin.
See the screenshots below.
This plugin depends on vim-IniParser.
With vim-plug:
Put the following lines between plug#begin
and plug#end
Plug 'xuhdev/vim-IniParser'
Plug 'Helguli/vim-plasma'
Copy the following code to your .vimrc
or init.vim
and uncomment the lines relevant to you.
" termguicolors must be set to use this theme
set termguicolors
" Tell that it is a dark theme
" Only necessary if the theme name does not contain the word "dark".
" let g:plasma_dark=1
" Set high contrast:
" let g:plasma_high_contrast=1
" Set custom colors for terminal and command mode
" let g:plasma_terminal = '#00d3b8'
" let g:plasma_terminal_alt = '#4bdfcc'
" let g:plasma_command = '#e93a9a'
" let g:plasma_command_alt = '#ee74b7'
" Set the colorscheme:
colorscheme plasma