Haptic Firmware for ERM tactors
This directory contains the firmware code for the erm tactor type. The ATtiny48 code was developed under Linux using the AVR GCC toolchain (avr-gcc, avr-libc, avrdude, and so forth) and may make use of some constructs specific to that toolchain.
Install Doxygen and Graphviz, then run the builddoc script in this directory. HTML documentation will appear in doc/funnel for the Funnel I/O side and doc/tiny for the Haptic Tactor side. This is primarily useful to get call graphs and caller graphs for all the functions in the code.
The Tactor is programmed entirely in AVR C Code, including nothing from Arduino. Install the AVR toolchain and related tools: avr-gcc, avr-libc, avrdude, and so forth. Then take a look at the build, dump, and avrdude scripts in this directory to see which commands to use to build the code and program the ATtiny88. The AVRISPmkII USB in-system programmer was used during development; the arguments to avrdude (as specified in the avrdude script in this directory) may need to be modified if a different programmer is to be used. See the avrdude documentation for details. ex: ./build -DDEFAULT_TWI_ADDRESS=34