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Command Line Options

HandyGuySoftware edited this page Feb 27, 2020 · 1 revision

Command line options alter the way dupReport operates. Many command line options have equivalent options in the dupReport.rc file. If an option is specified on both the command line and in the .rc file, the command line option takes precedence.

dupReport has the following command line options:

Short Version Long Version Description
-h --help Display command line options.
-r <rcpath> --rcpath <rcpath> Sets <rcpath> as the directory where the dupReport.rc file is located. <rcpath> should point to the directory only, not a full file path specification.
-d <dbpath> --dbpath <dbpath> Sets <dbpath> as the directory where the dupReport.rc file is located. Overrides the [main] dbpath= option in dupReport.rc file. <dbpath> should point to the directory only, not a full file path specification.
-l <logpath> --logpath <logpath> Sets <logpath> as the directory where the dupReport.log file is located. Overrides the [main] logpath= option in dupReport.rc file. <logpath> should point to the directory only, not a full file path specification.
-v {0,1,2, 3} --verbose {0,1,2, 3} Sets the verbosity of the information in the log file. 1=General program execution info. 2=Program flow and status information. 3=Full debugging output
-a --append Append new logs to existing log file. Overrides [main] logappend= in dupReport.rc file.
-s {‘byte’, ‘mega’, ‘giga’} --size {‘byte’, ‘mega’, ‘giga’} Display file sizes in bytes, megabytes, or gigabytes
-i --initdb Erase all information from the database and resets the tables.
-c --collect Collect new emails only and don't run summary report. -c and -t options can not be used together.
-t --report Run summary report only and don't collect emails. -c and -t options can not be used together.
-b <DateTimeSpec> --rollback <DateTimeSpec> Roll back database to a specified date and time, then continue processing emails. <DateTimeSpec> must be in the following format: “<datespec> <timespec>”, where <datespec> and <timespec> are in the same format specified by the “dateformat=” and “timeformat=” options specified in the [main] section of the dupReport.rc file. For example, if dateformat="MM/DD/YYYY" and timeformat="HH:MM:SS" <DateTimeSpec> should be set to "12/17/2017 12:37:45". See the discussion of the dateformat= and timeformat= options below. To roll back the database to the beginning of a day, use "00:00:00" for <timespec>.
-B <DateTimeSpec> --rollbackx <DateTimeSpec> Roll back database to a specified date and time. Same operation as -b, except program will exit after rolling back the database.
-f <filespec>,<type> --file <filespec>,<type> Send the report to a file in text, HTML, or CSV format. -f may be used multiple times to send the output to multiple files. <filespec> can be one of the following: A full path specification for a file; 'stdout', to send to the standard output device; 'stderr', to send to the standard error device. <type> can be one of the following: “Txt”, “Html”, or “csv”
-F <filespec>,<type> --fileattach <filespec>,<type> Functions the same as the -f option, but also attaches the resulting output file to the report email.
-x --nomail Do not send the report through email. This is typically used in conjunction with the -f option to save the report to a file rather than send it through email. NOTE: If you suppress the sending of emails using '-x' you do not need to enter valid outgoing email server information in the dupReport.rc file. The [outgoing] section still needs to be present in the .rc file, but it does not need valid server or account information.
-m <source> <destination> --remove <source> <destination> Remove a source-destination pair from the database.
-p --purgedb Purge emails that are no longer on the server from the database. Overrides [main] purgedb in .rc file.
-w --stopbackupwarn Suppress sending of unseen backup warning emails. Overrides all "nobackupwarn" options in the .rc file. See description of nobackwarn= option in "[report]" and "[source-destination]" sections below. NOTE: If you suppress emails using the '-x' option (above) but still want unseen backup warning messages sent (i.e., you don't use the '-w' option), you must enter valid email server and account information in the [outgoing] section of the dupReport.rc file.
-k --masksensitive Force masking of sensitive data (such as user names, passwords, and file paths) with asterisks (*) in the log file. Overrides the "masksensitive" option in the .rc file. The -k and -K options can not be used together. See description of "masksensitive" option below for more details.
-K --nomasksensitive Force display of sensitive data (such as user names, passwords, and file paths) in the log file. Overrides the "masksensitive" option in the .rc file. The -k and -K options can not be used together. See description of "masksensitive" option below for more details.