Since remote
module is going to be deprated (see -> Deprecate the 'remote' module and move it to userland), we have to use IPC calls with anonymous arguments like ipcRenderer.invoke("main-window","set-width",960)
, where Typescript is not that helpful. This lib confirms the type consistency between callers and callees within a Typescript (aided) environment.
This lib use typescript interfaces to build IPC, so you can simply import pre-defined interfaces from other packages to work together.
electron >= 7.0
typescript >= 3.7
(not specified as a peerdependency, but required to build with typescript or to get typing suggestions in a javascript project)
npm install autumn-electron-ipc
yarn add autumn-electron-ipc
define API in shared module:
import { createR2MApiTs } from 'autumn-electron-ipc';
import { BrowserWindow } from 'electron';
export const mainWindowApi = createR2MApiTs<BrowserWindow>("main-window")
connect to implemtation in main process
// import from shared module
import { mainWindowApi } from "../common";
win = new BrowserWindow({...})
mainWindowApi.plugInMain(win) // connect to impl
invoke in preload script, or in renderer script if you enabled node integration
// import from shared module
import { mainWindowApi } from "../common";
function boostrap(){
const mainWindow = mainWindowApi.getClient()
setTimeout(async () => {
// all tranformed to async call
let maximized = await mainWindow.isMaximized()
if (maximized) mainWindow.restore()
else mainWindow.maximize()
}, 1000);
For use cases like
- call from main process and reponse in renderer process
- use this lib in javascript
See -> HomePage