Find Endpoints and URLs ffuf is not. TextFilterFuzzer For Directory Fuzzing - filter for (e.g, Not Found, 404, Not Accepted) Simple but very effective to use.
Enter URL:
Enter the path to the wordlist file: /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/raft-medium-directories.txt
Enter the filter text separated by comma (e.g., 'Not Found,406 Not Accepted'): Not Found, 404, Not Accepted
Now only URLs will printed to the terminal that don't match the "Not Found", "404, "Not Accepted" with the status code.
Because from my experience when I'm using ffuf or any other tool for fuzzing, I can only exclude by code and size but sometimes the webpage may have the same code, size and content length but displays something different on the webpage itself.
To add FUZZ option
To make it faster with larger wordlists
If you find this simple tool useful or interesting. Do consider a star and follow on my github ;)