Release 2.5.0-rc1
New Features and Enhancements
- UI - When using InfiniteDataTable we have a content placeholder / loader on each rows which are waiting.
- Initial implementation of datatable's accessibility controls.
- Added dark theme support for focusable styles on datatable & pager.
- Add programmatic row expansion/collapse
- DataTable Responsiveness will now depend on user. Add "responsive" style name to the datatable to enable mobile responsiveness.
- Initial update to support a category pair (Breaking Change) Please Refer to this link for the updates
- Clean up and allow access to the DataSource DataView
- Category and Row Component Mode support. (ENABLED, DISABLED & HIDDEN)
- DataView - added convenience method to hide / clear table bodys overflow.
- DataTable Updates - we can now have a convenience lamda method of getValue on table.addColumn(ColumnValueProvider).
- Add Column formatting support for DateColumn, IntegerColumn, DoubleColumn etc.
- Add Blank placeholder option for all Columns as a fallback when rendering null values.
- ComputedColumn support - ability to access the whole data, category data and the current data to perform mathematical operations.
- DataTable added a new Scaffolding panel called "Footer" to be added after the tablebody and will be fixed when scrolling.