Simple, no non-sense command framework for Paper servers.
Brigadier is not currently supported, nor is it guaranteed to be supported in the future. Contributions are welcome.
Requires Java 17 (or higher) and Paper 1.20.1 (or higher).
Library is published to the GitHub Packages Registry and may require additional configuration. You can find more details here.
repositories {
maven { url = ""
credentials {
username = findProperty("") ?: System.getenv("GITHUB_ACTOR")
password = findProperty("gpr.token") ?: System.getenv("GITHUB_TOKEN")
dependencies {
implementation 'cloud.grabsky:commands:[_VERSION_]'
Documentation and examples are available here.
# Cloning the repository.
$ git clone
# Entering the cloned repository.
$ cd commands
# Compiling and publishing to maven local.
$ gradlew clean publishToMavenLocal
This project is open for contributions. I'm currently looking for help in implementing presence and parameter flags for commands.