is the fastest and lightest Javascript parser for TOML files (see benchmarks).
TOML stands for Tom's Obvious and Minimal Language and it is an awesome language for your configuration files, better than JSON and YAML on many aspects. Learn here what is TOML and how to use it (it's definitely worth the ten minutes learning).
This part is dedicated to development. See installation and usage.
You need to install globally rollup
(the bundler) and rollup-plugin-terser
(the minifier) :
npm i -g rollup
npm i -g rollup-plugin-terser
Then you need to make sure your global installations are requirable from the rollup.config.js. That means your NODE_PATH environment variable must be set to your global node_modules
On my Ubuntu environment it is set to :
export NODE_PATH=~/.npm-global/lib/node_modules
Then run rollup -c
to compile the bundle.
Or rollup -c -w
to recompile live on every file change.
First, make sure you installed the development dependencies by running : npm install
Then to run the tests execute : node test