The ‘Telecommunications & Remote Sensing Laboratory’ (TLCLab) of the University of Pavia, together with other four Universities partners, participated in the project named ‘Very high spatial and spectral resolution remote sensing: a novel integrated data analysis system’, funded by the ‘Ministero dell’Istruzione dell’Università e della Ricerca’ (MIUR). One of the main output produced by the TLCLab has seen the development of a software tool named ‘Hierarchical Binary Decision Tree’ (HBDT), which is able to classify space-borne remote sensing images.
In this repository is available the QGIS plugin of the HBDT.
To install and use it:
- Locate the plug-in folder of QGIS:
- UNIX: ~/.qgis2/python/plugins
- Windows: ~/.qgis2/python/plugins
- Note: In Windows the path is usually something like: C: /Documents and Settings/ (user) /.qgis2/python/plugins.
- Create a new folder and name it as “HBDTree”;
- Copy all the files available here in the ‘HBDTree’ folder;
- Note: it will look like: ~/python/plugins/ HBDTree /'files'
- Open QGIS and enable the HBDTree plugin under Plug-ins/Manage Plug-ins....