Why, because I could! (not really I started working on this when repl did the language challenge)
Why Javascript? So it can be used on the web, use `<get "element"> which is equivelent to document.getElementById("element"), use case:
<letsmake Hello <get "element">> <assign Hello.innerHTML <string "Goodbye">>
This take the inner HTML of a element and changes it to goodbye, to use it on the web hit the run button and go to ./dist/index.js and use that as your website script.
How does it work? With Dificulty.
What can it do (basically everything JS can do)
A Discord bot??
<letsmake TOKEN <string "TOKEN" >>
<letsmake Discord <iNeed <string "discord.js">>>
<letsmake client <new <call Discord.Client>>>
<call client.on "ready" <function data <body
<sendOut <add <string Current Logged in as > <var client.user.username> <string "#"> <var client.user.discriminator>>>
<sendOut <add "Current in " <var client.guilds.cache.size <sring servers> >>>
<call client.on "message" <async <Arrowfunc message
<if <and <equal message.content "hello"> <equal <ToNumber message.author.bot> <false>>>
<call message.reply "hello">
Just replace TOKEN with your bot token and you are good to go
<letsmake PromiseMaker <Arrowfunc input <body
<promise resolve reject <body
<sendOut <var input>>
<if <equal <var input> "'hello'"> <body
<call reject <string "Not going to lie there is a errror">>
<if <notequal <var input> "'hello'"> <body
<call resolve>
<letsmake reponse <call PromiseMaker <string "hello">>>
<error <Arrowfunc input <body <sendOut <add <string"There was a error "> <var input>>>>>>
I might write a full documentation if people want it but you can go play around in the environment, the best part is plugins there is a example plugin in the plugin folder, reply to this with any problems.
Happy Hacking!
Harvey :)