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Terraform module to bootstrap Elastic Kubernetes Service(EKS) cluster using Addons ( EKS add-ons ) and blueprints.


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SquareOps Technologies Your DevOps Partner for Accelerating cloud journey.

This module provides a set of reusable, configurable, and scalable AWS EKS addons configurations. It enables users to easily deploy and manage a highly available EKS cluster using infrastructure as code. This module supports a wide range of features, including node termination handlers, VPC CNI add-ons, service monitors, Istio service meshes, Velero backups, and Karpenter provisioners. Users can configure these features using a set of customizable variables that allow for fine-grained control over the deployment. Additionally, this module is regularly updated to keep pace with the latest changes in the EKS ecosystem, ensuring that users always have access to the most up-to-date features and functionality.

Usage Example

module "eks-addons" {
  source                                  = "squareops/eks-addons/aws"
  name                                    =
  vpc_id                                  = "vpc-abcd5245c2331xyz"
  environment                             = local.environment
  ipv6_enabled                            = local.ipv6_enabled
  kms_key_arn                             = "arn:aws:kms:us-east-2:xxxxxxxxxx:key/mrk-abd9394bda5947cc864adc657d90386f"
  keda_enabled                            = true
  kms_policy_arn                          = "arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxxxxxx:policy/policy_name" ## eks module will create kms_policy_arn
  eks_cluster_name                        = "cluster_name"
  reloader_enabled                        = true
  kubernetes_dashboard_enabled            = true
  k8s_dashboard_ingress_load_balancer     = "" ##Choose your load balancer type (e.g., NLB or ALB). If using ALB, ensure you provide the ACM certificate ARN for SSL.
  alb_acm_certificate_arn                 = ""
  k8s_dashboard_hostname                  = ""
  karpenter_enabled                       = true
  private_subnet_ids                      = ["subnet-xxxxxxxxxxxx", "subnet-xxxxxxxxxxxx"]
  single_az_ebs_gp3_storage_class_enabled = true
  single_az_sc_config                     = [{ name = "infra-service-sc", zone = "${local.region}a" }]
  coredns_hpa_enabled                     = true
  kubeclarity_enabled                     = true
  kubeclarity_hostname                    = ""
  kubecost_enabled                        = false
  kubecost_hostname                       = ""
  defectdojo_enabled                      = true
  defectdojo_hostname                     = ""
  cert_manager_enabled                    = true
  worker_iam_role_name                    = "node-role"
  worker_iam_role_arn                     = "arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxxxx:role/node-role"
  ingress_nginx_enabled                   = true
  metrics_server_enabled                  = true
  external_secrets_enabled                = true
  amazon_eks_vpc_cni_enabled              = true
  cluster_autoscaler_enabled              = true
  service_monitor_crd_enabled             = true
  aws_load_balancer_controller_enabled    = true
  falco_enabled                           = true
  slack_webhook                           = "xoxb-379541400966-iibMHnnoaPzVl"
  istio_enabled                           = true
  istio_config = {
    ingress_gateway_enabled       = true
    egress_gateway_enabled        = true
    envoy_access_logs_enabled     = true
    prometheus_monitoring_enabled = true
    istio_values_yaml             = file("./config/istio.yaml")
  karpenter_provisioner_enabled = true
  karpenter_provisioner_config = {
    private_subnet_name    = "${local.environment}-${}-private-subnet"
    instance_capacity_type = ["spot"]
    excluded_instance_type = ["nano", "micro", "small"]
    instance_hypervisor    = ["nitro"]
  cert_manager_letsencrypt_email                = "[email protected]"
  internal_ingress_nginx_enabled                = true
  efs_storage_class_enabled                     = true
  aws_node_termination_handler_enabled          = true
  amazon_eks_aws_ebs_csi_driver_enabled         = true
  cluster_propotional_autoscaler_enabled        = true
  cert_manager_install_letsencrypt_http_issuers = true
  velero_enabled                                = true
  velero_config = {
    namespaces                      = "" ## If you want full cluster backup, leave it blank else provide namespace.
    slack_botToken                  = "xoxb-379541400966-iibMHnnoaPzVl"
    slack_appToken                  = "xoxb-sgsehger-ddfnrndfnf"
    slack_notification_channel_name = "slack-notification-channel"
    retention_period_in_days        = 45
    schedule_backup_cron_time       = "* 6 * * *"
    velero_backup_name              = "application-backup"
    backup_bucket_name              = "velero-bucket"


Release Kubernetes 1.23 Kubernetes 1.24 Kubernetes 1.25 Kubernetes 1.26 Kubernetes 1.27 Kubernetes 1.28
Release 1.0.0
Release 1.1.0
Release 1.1.1
Release 1.1.2
Release 1.1.3
Release 1.1.4
Release 1.1.5
Release 1.1.6
Release 1.1.7
Release 1.1.8

IAM Permissions

The required IAM permissions to create resources from this module can be found here

Addons Details

Kubernetes addons are additional components that can be installed in a Kubernetes cluster to provide extra features and functionality. They are designed to work seamlessly with the Kubernetes API and can be managed just like any other Kubernetes resource. Some common examples of Kubernetes addons include:

AWS ALB Amazon Web Services (AWS) Application Load Balancer (ALB) is a highly available and scalable load balancing service that routes incoming application traffic to multiple Amazon EC2 instances, containers, and IP addresses. It automatically distributes incoming application traffic across multiple targets, ensuring that your applications are highly available and scalable.

With AWS ALB, you can handle increased traffic levels, automatically scale your applications, and improve the overall performance of your applications. ALB provides advanced routing capabilities, including content-based routing, host-based routing, and path-based routing, enabling you to route traffic to different target groups based on specific rules.

Node Termination Handler In AWS, the Node termination handler can be used in Lambda functions or EC2 instances to handle the termination of the underlying instance or container. When an instance or container is terminated, the termination handler can be used to perform any necessary cleanup operations, such as closing open resources, before the instance or container is terminated. In an EC2 instance, the termination handler can be set by writing a script that runs on instance startup and sets the process.on('SIGTERM', callback) method. This script can be executed using a user data script or by adding it to the instance's startup script.
EBS Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) storage classes are different levels of performance and cost for Amazon EBS volumes. The storage classes determine the type of storage, performance characteristics, and cost of each Amazon EBS volume.

There are currently four Amazon EBS storage classes:

Standard storage class: This is the default and most widely used storage class, offering a balance of low cost and high performance. It's suitable for a wide range of applications, including boot volumes, transactional databases, and big data workloads.

Provisioned IOPS (input/output operations per second) storage class: This class provides high-performance I/O for mission-critical and I/O-intensive workloads, such as large databases and I/O-bound applications.

Cold storage class: This class provides low-cost storage for infrequently accessed data, such as backups and archives. Cold storage is designed to deliver low cost and high durability.

Throughput Optimized HDD (hard disk drive) storage class: This class provides low-cost storage optimized for large, sequential workloads, such as big data and data warehouses.
Cert Manager Cert Manager is a Kubernetes add-on that automates the management and issuance of TLS certificates from various issuing sources. It helps to eliminate manual steps in the certificate management process, provides cert renewals and integrates with other parts of the system.
Cluster Autoscalar Cluster Autoscaler is a Kubernetes component that automatically adjusts the number of nodes in a cluster based on the demand for resources. This allows you to optimize the cost of running your workloads while ensuring that they have the resources they need to run effectively. The Cluster Autoscaler works by monitoring the resource usage of your pods and comparing it to the available capacity on the nodes in the cluster. If there are pods that cannot be scheduled because of resource constraints, the Cluster Autoscaler will increase the number of nodes in the cluster until there is enough capacity to schedule the pending pods. Similarly, if there are nodes in the cluster that are underutilized, the Cluster Autoscaler can decrease the number of nodes to optimize resource utilization and reduce costs. Cluster Autoscaler is supported by many cloud providers, including Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and Microsoft Azure. It can be easily integrated into your existing Kubernetes deployment and can be configured to use different scaling policies to meet the needs of your specific workloads.
EFS Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) is a fully managed, scalable, and highly available file storage service for use with Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances. It provides a simple and scalable file storage solution that can be used by multiple EC2 instances at the same time, making it ideal for use cases such as big data, content management, and media sharing.

Amazon EFS is easy to set up, manage, and scale, and it automatically replicates data across multiple Availability Zones for high durability and availability. The service is also highly performant, with low latency and high throughput, making it suitable for a wide range of workloads.

External Secrets Kubernetes External Secrets is a feature in Kubernetes that allows secrets to be stored and managed outside of the cluster. External secrets are useful in scenarios where sensitive information, such as passwords or API keys, should not be stored directly in the cluster, but still needs to be used by applications running in the cluster. Kubernetes External Secrets can be stored in external systems such as Hashicorp Vault, AWS Secrets Manager, or GCP Secret Manager, and accessed by pods using a Kubernetes Secret object. The Secret object references the external secret and maps it to a Kubernetes Secret, which can then be used by pods in the same way as regular Kubernetes Secrets. By using External Secrets, organizations can ensure that sensitive information is securely managed and stored outside of the cluster, while still being able to use that information in their applications running in the cluster.
Istio Istio is an open-source service mesh platform that provides a set of tools for managing and securing microservices applications. Istio is designed to work with containerized applications and is built on top of Kubernetes, making it easy to deploy and manage. Some of the key features of Istio include: Traffic management: Istio provides the ability to control the flow of traffic between microservices, including load balancing, fault tolerance, and canary releases. Security: Istio provides built-in security features, such as mutual TLS authentication, for securing communication between microservices. Observability: Istio provides robust observability features, including distributed tracing, metric collection, and logging, making it easy to monitor and debug microservices applications. Configurable policies: Istio provides a flexible policy framework for controlling the behavior of microservices, allowing for easy enforcement of security, observability, and traffic management policies. Istio is widely adopted and has a strong ecosystem of partners and contributors, making it a popular choice for organizations looking to build and manage microservices applications. By using Istio, organizations can improve the reliability and security of their microservices applications and simplify the process of managing and operating them.
Karpenter Karpenter is a flexible, high-performance Kubernetes cluster autoscaler that helps improve application availability and cluster efficiency. Karpenter launches right-sized compute resources, (for example, Amazon EC2 instances), in response to changing application load in under a minute. Through integrating Kubernetes with AWS, Karpenter can provision just-in-time compute resources that precisely meet the requirements of your workload. Karpenter automatically provisions new compute resources based on the specific requirements of cluster workloads. These include compute, storage, acceleration, and scheduling requirements. Amazon EKS supports clusters using Karpenter, although Karpenter works with any conformant Kubernetes cluster.
Metrics Server Metric Server is a Kubernetes add-on that collects resource usage data from the Kubernetes API server and makes it available to other components, such as the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) and the Cluster Autoscaler. The Metric Server collects data on the CPU and memory usage of pods and nodes in a cluster, and provides this data to other components in a format that they can use to make scaling decisions. The HPA, for example, can use the data provided by the Metric Server to automatically scale the number of replicas of a deployment based on the resource usage of the pods. The Cluster Autoscaler can also use this data to determine when to add or remove nodes from a cluster based on the resource utilization of the pods and nodes. Metric Server provides a simple and effective way to collect resource usage data from a cluster and make it available to other components for scaling and resource optimization. It is an important component for ensuring that your Kubernetes applications run effectively and efficiently in the cloud.
Nginx Ingress Controller Nginx Ingress Controller is a Kubernetes controller that manages external access to services running in a Kubernetes cluster. It provides load balancing, SSL termination, and name-based virtual hosting, among other features. The Nginx Ingress Controller works by using the Kubernetes API to dynamically configure an Nginx instance running outside of the cluster to route traffic to services within the cluster. This allows you to easily expose your services to external users and manage the routing of incoming traffic. The Nginx Ingress Controller provides a flexible and powerful way to manage incoming traffic to your Kubernetes applications. It is widely used in production environments and is well-suited for both simple and complex routing scenarios. Additionally, the Nginx Ingress Controller integrates with other Kubernetes components, such as the Kubernetes Ingress resource and cert-manager, to provide a complete solution for managing external access to your services.
Reloader Reloader can watch changes in ConfigMap and Secret and do rolling upgrades on Pods with their associated DeploymentConfigs, Deployments, Daemonsets, Statefulsets and Rollouts.
Velero Velero (previously known as Heptio Ark) is an open-source backup and disaster recovery solution for Kubernetes. Velero provides the ability to back up and restore Kubernetes cluster resources and persistent volumes, making it easy to recover from data loss or cluster failures. Some key features of Velero include: Cluster Backup and Restore: Velero allows users to create backups of their Kubernetes clusters and restore them to the same or different cluster. Persistent Volume Backup and Restore: Velero provides the ability to backup and restore persistent volumes, ensuring that data can be recovered even if the cluster fails. Incremental Backups: Velero supports incremental backups, which can be performed more frequently than full backups and reduce the amount of data transferred. Snapshot Integration: Velero integrates with cloud provider snapshot services, such as AWS EBS and GCE PD, to simplify the backup process and reduce the cost of storing backup data. Easy to Use CLI: Velero provides a user-friendly CLI that makes it easy to create, manage, and restore backups. Velero is designed to work with cloud native environments, making it a popular choice for organizations that run their applications in the cloud. By using Velero, organizations can improve the reliability and availability of their applications and ensure that they can recover from data loss or cluster failures.
KubeClarity KubeClarity helps you to secure your cloud-native applications and infrastructure by offering features such as automated threat detection, policy enforcement, compliance reporting, and continuous monitoring. It allows you to enforce security policies across all your Kubernetes environments and provides automated remediation of security issues, ensuring that your deployments are always secure and compliant.
Kubecost Kubecost provides real-time cost visibility and insights for teams using Kubernetes, helping you continuously reduce your cloud costs. Breakdown costs by any Kubernetes concepts, including deployment, service, namespace label, and more.
DefectDojo DefectDojo is an open-source application vulnerability management tool. It is designed to automate and streamline the process of managing application security testing efforts, including dynamic testing, static analysis, and manual penetration testing.
Falcon Falcon helps network administrators monitor malicious activities, apply mitigation techniques and block data tampering across multiple devices. Key feature:

Endpoint Protection: Safeguards devices from malware, ransomware, and malicious activities.

Cloud-Native Architecture: Built for easy scalability with real-time threat detection in the cloud.

Behavioral Analysis: Identifies threats through behavioral analysis, not just known signatures.

Threat Intelligence: Integrates real-time threat intelligence feeds for up-to-date risk mitigation.

Incident Response: Enables swift investigation and remediation of security incidents.


Before enabling the Kubecost addon for your Amazon EKS cluster, please make sure to subscribe to the Kubecost - Amazon EKS cost monitoring license.


Name Version
aws >= 4.23
helm >= 2.6
kubernetes >= 2.13


Name Version
aws >= 4.23
helm >= 2.6
kubernetes >= 2.13
random n/a


Name Source Version
efs ./modules/efs n/a
istio ./modules/istio n/a
k8s_addons ./modules/kubernetes-addons n/a
karpenter_provisioner ./modules/karpenter_provisioner n/a
service_monitor_crd ./modules/service_monitor_crd n/a
single_az_sc ./modules/aws-ebs-storage-class n/a
velero ./modules/velero n/a


Name Type
aws_eks_addon.kubecost resource
aws_iam_instance_profile.karpenter_profile resource
helm_release.cert_manager_le_http resource
helm_release.coredns-hpa resource
helm_release.defectdojo resource
helm_release.falco resource
helm_release.internal_nginx resource
helm_release.kubeclarity resource
helm_release.kubernetes-dashboard resource
helm_release.metrics-server-vpa resource
helm_release.vpa-crds resource
kubernetes_cluster_role.eks_read_only_role resource
kubernetes_cluster_role_binding.eks_read_only_role_binding resource
kubernetes_cluster_role_binding_v1.admin-user resource
kubernetes_ingress_v1.k8s-ingress resource
kubernetes_ingress_v1.kubecost resource
kubernetes_namespace.defectdojo resource
kubernetes_namespace.falco resource
kubernetes_namespace.internal_nginx resource
kubernetes_namespace.k8s-dashboard resource
kubernetes_namespace.kube_clarity resource
kubernetes_secret.kube_clarity resource
kubernetes_secret.kubecost resource
kubernetes_secret_v1.admin-user resource
kubernetes_secret_v1.dashboard_read_only_sa_token resource
kubernetes_service_account.dashboard_admin_sa resource
kubernetes_service_account.dashboard_read_only_sa resource
random_password.kube_clarity resource
random_password.kubecost resource
aws_eks_addon_version.kubecost data source
aws_eks_cluster.eks data source
aws_region.current data source
kubernetes_secret.defectdojo data source
kubernetes_service.internal-nginx-ingress data source
kubernetes_service.istio-ingress data source
kubernetes_service.nginx-ingress data source


Name Description Type Default Required
alb_acm_certificate_arn ARN of the ACM certificate to be used for ALB Ingress. string "" no
amazon_eks_aws_ebs_csi_driver_enabled Whether to enable the EKS Managed AWS EBS CSI Driver add-on or not. bool false no
amazon_eks_vpc_cni_enabled Enable or disable the installation of the Amazon EKS VPC CNI addon. bool false no
aws_load_balancer_controller_enabled Enable or disable AWS Load Balancer Controller add-on for managing and controlling load balancers in Kubernetes. bool false no
aws_load_balancer_version Specify the version of the AWS Load Balancer Controller for Ingress string "1.4.4" no
aws_node_termination_handler_enabled Enable or disable node termination handler bool false no
cert_manager_enabled Enable or disable the cert manager add-on for EKS cluster. bool false no
cert_manager_install_letsencrypt_http_issuers Enable or disable the HTTP issuer for cert-manager bool false no
cert_manager_install_letsencrypt_r53_issuers Enable or disable the creation of Route53 issuer while installing cert manager. bool false no
cert_manager_letsencrypt_email Specifies the email address to be used by cert-manager to request Let's Encrypt certificates string "" no
cluster_autoscaler_chart_version Version of the cluster autoscaler helm chart string "9.29.0" no
cluster_autoscaler_enabled Whether to enable the Cluster Autoscaler add-on or not. bool false no
cluster_issuer Specify the letsecrypt cluster-issuer for ingress tls. string "letsencrypt-prod" no
cluster_propotional_autoscaler_enabled Enable or disable Cluster propotional autoscaler add-on bool false no
core_dns_hpa_config Configuration to provide settings of hpa over core dns any
"corednsdeploymentname": "coredns",
"maxReplicas": 10,
"minReplicas": 2,
"targetCPUUtilizationPercentage": 80,
"targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage": "150Mi"
coredns_hpa_enabled Determines whether Horizontal Pod Autoscaling (HPA) for CoreDNS is enabled. bool false no
defectdojo_enabled Enable istio for service mesh. bool false no
defectdojo_hostname Specify the hostname for the kubecsot. string "" no
efs_storage_class_enabled Enable or disable the Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) add-on for EKS cluster. bool false no
eks_cluster_name Fetch Cluster ID of the cluster string "" no
environment Environment identifier for the Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) cluster. string "" no
external_secrets_enabled Enable or disable External Secrets operator add-on for managing external secrets. bool false no
falco_enabled Determines whether Falco is enabled. bool false no
ingress_nginx_enabled Enable or disable Nginx Ingress Controller add-on for routing external traffic to Kubernetes services. bool false no
ingress_nginx_version Specify the version of the NGINX Ingress Controller string "4.9.1" no
internal_ingress_nginx_enabled Enable or disable the deployment of an internal ingress controller for Kubernetes. bool false no
ipv6_enabled whether IPv6 enabled or not bool false no
istio_config Configuration to provide settings for Istio
ingress_gateway_enabled = bool
ingress_gateway_namespace = optional(string, "istio-ingressgateway")
egress_gateway_enabled = bool
egress_gateway_namespace = optional(string, "istio-egressgateway")
envoy_access_logs_enabled = bool
prometheus_monitoring_enabled = bool
istio_values_yaml = any
"egress_gateway_enabled": false,
"envoy_access_logs_enabled": true,
"ingress_gateway_enabled": true,
"istio_values_yaml": "",
"prometheus_monitoring_enabled": true
istio_enabled Enable istio for service mesh. bool false no
k8s_dashboard_hostname Specify the hostname for the k8s dashboard. string "" no
k8s_dashboard_ingress_load_balancer Controls whether to enable ALB Ingress or not. string "nlb" no
karpenter_enabled Enable or disable Karpenter, a Kubernetes-native, multi-tenant, and auto-scaling solution for containerized workloads on Kubernetes. bool false no
karpenter_provisioner_config Configuration to provide settings for Karpenter, including which private subnet to use, instance capacity types, and excluded instance types. any
"excluded_instance_type": [
"instance_capacity_type": [
"instance_hypervisor": [
"private_subnet_name": ""
karpenter_provisioner_enabled Enable or disable the installation of Karpenter, which is a Kubernetes cluster autoscaler. bool false no
keda_enabled Enable or disable Kubernetes Event-driven Autoscaling (KEDA) add-on for autoscaling workloads. bool false no
kms_key_arn ARN of the KMS key used to encrypt AWS resources in the EKS cluster. string "" no
kms_policy_arn Specify the ARN of KMS policy, for service accounts. string "" no
kubeclarity_enabled Enable or disable the deployment of an kubeclarity for Kubernetes. bool false no
kubeclarity_hostname Specify the hostname for the Kubeclarity. string "" no
kubeclarity_namespace Name of the Kubernetes namespace where the kubeclarity deployment will be deployed. string "kubeclarity" no
kubecost_enabled Enable or disable the deployment of an Kubecost for Kubernetes. bool false no
kubecost_hostname Specify the hostname for the kubecsot. string "" no
kubernetes_dashboard_enabled Determines whether k8s-dashboard is enabled or not bool false no
metrics_server_enabled Enable or disable the metrics server add-on for EKS cluster. bool false no
metrics_server_helm_version Version of the metrics server helm chart string "3.11.0" no
metrics_server_vpa_config Configuration to provide settings of vpa over metrics server any
"maxCPU": "100m",
"maxMemory": "500Mi",
"metricsServerDeploymentName": "metrics-server",
"minCPU": "25m",
"minMemory": "150Mi"
name Specify the name prefix of the EKS cluster resources. string "" no
node_termination_handler_version Specify the version of node termination handler string "0.21.0" no
private_subnet_ids Private subnets of the VPC which can be used by EFS list(string)
reloader_enabled Enable or disable Reloader, a Kubernetes controller to watch changes in ConfigMap and Secret objects and trigger an application reload on their changes. bool false no
service_monitor_crd_enabled Enable or disable the installation of Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) for Prometheus Service Monitor. bool false no
single_az_ebs_gp3_storage_class_enabled Whether to enable the Single AZ storage class or not. bool false no
single_az_sc_config Name and regions for storage class in Key-Value pair. list(any) [] no
slack_webhook The Slack webhook URL used for notifications. string "" no
storageClassName Specify the hostname for the kubecsot. string "infra-service-sc" no
velero_config Configuration to provide settings for Velero, including which namespaces to backup, retention period, backup schedule, and backup bucket name. any
"backup_bucket_name": "",
"namespaces": "",
"retention_period_in_days": 45,
"schedule_backup_cron_time": "",
"slack_appToken": "",
"slack_botToken": "",
"slack_notification_channel_name": "",
"velero_backup_name": ""
velero_enabled Enable or disable the installation of Velero, which is a backup and restore solution for Kubernetes clusters. bool false no
vpc_id ID of the VPC where the cluster and its nodes will be provisioned string "" no
worker_iam_role_arn Specify the IAM role Arn for the nodes string "" no
worker_iam_role_name Specify the IAM role for the nodes that will be provisioned through karpenter string "" no


Name Description
defectdojo DefectDojo endpoint and credentials
ebs_encryption_enable Whether Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) encryption is enabled or not.
efs_id ID of the Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) that has been created for the EKS cluster.
environment Environment Name for the EKS cluster
internal_nginx_ingress_controller_dns_hostname DNS hostname of the NGINX Ingress Controller that can be used to access it from within the cluster.
istio_ingressgateway_dns_hostname DNS hostname of the Istio Ingress Gateway.
k8s-dashboard-admin-token n/a
k8s-dashboard-read-only-token n/a
kubeclarity Kubeclarity endpoint and credentials
kubecost Kubecost endpoint and credentials
nginx_ingress_controller_dns_hostname DNS hostname of the NGINX Ingress Controller.

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Terraform module to bootstrap Elastic Kubernetes Service(EKS) cluster using Addons ( EKS add-ons ) and blueprints.







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